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What time does your Grey wake up in the morning ?


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Hi everyone ,

I am wondering do all Grey's wake their owners up in the morning or do you wake them up ?

My Grey makes his first beep at 7 AM like clock work every morning .Even on Saturdays , when we would like to sleep in .Also how many hours does your bird sleep each night ?



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Mine gets up as soon as he sees the sun through the blanket, but he's usually quiet until someone uncovers him. As soon as he realizes others are up to he's ready to start the day.

He's usually covered for bedtime around 8pm. I'd like to think he gets a full 12 hours, but I'm doubtful. :(

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Guest smokey

my grey smokey sleeps at 11pm and wakes up at 8:30am. when he does a persistant loud beeping sound arond bedtime he usually is out to bed earlier and it seem to be because he wants to. as you can see he only gets around 9 1/2 hours of sleep, and he seem to be fine with that. They say they should get any where between 8-12 hours of sleep daily. he usually doesn't wake me up but rather everyone else when i wake him up and leave for school.

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Our little man wakes up at 0430-0500 as soon as the sun comes up and I hear him say "Good Morning, did you sleep well". He then just starts jabbering away and wakes our little girl grey up. They wake up at this time 7 days a week. They don't get much sleep at night because the sun doesn't go down until about 2200 at the moment and soon it won't go down at all. So at the moment they get 6-7 hours of sleep at night

I am pretty sure they sleep during the day though to compensate for the lack of sleep at night.

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It depends on thr dsy if I work the night before then they don't get up until 10 am because thry don't get covered until I get home at 11:30 pm I only work 3 nights a week from 5pm to 11pm. the other nights they go to bed at 8:00 to 8:30 pm and get up between 8:00am to 9:00 am they are used to this now. so its a bit screwy but it works for us. Pat

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Dayo goes to bed at around 8 - 830 and gets up at 5 - 530 peeping and chirping his little babyish call for his mommy. If we do not remove the cover, he will soon start clangng bells around and bellowing LOUD contact calls, Wolf whistles etc. :-)

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We do not cover Lyric's cage and he stays pretty quiet in the morning until he sees that someone is up. During the week that is around 7:00am and on the weekend it varies depending on how late we stay up and what's going on.

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Kip gets up and makes some noise (calls, whistles etc) almost every day once the sun is up. Since that time varies throughout the year her exact time varies. If we get up she immediately starts saying "good morning Kip!", "How are you?" If we "sleep in" (eg do not respond to her) she will usually quiet down after 1/2 - 1 hr and go back to sleep. Sometimes she is persistent and really makes a racket! :P We do not cover the cage, but if we do more to keep the morning sunlight from reaching her she will stay quiet longer. I think she enjoys the sunrise and dont plan to take that away from her!! B)<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2008/05/16 16:29

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Finnigan wakes up at 7am sharp. She starts low making quiet whistles and beeps, by 7:26, she is loud! Carrying on like a fool, and you can hear her little feet running back and forth at the bottom of her cage. She is a hoot. Of course by then, she has woken our blue and gold and he starts with this "hello", over and over and over again until you go and get them. We don't mind, if its a casual day, we bring them both into the bed, which they seem to love.

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  • 1 year later...

Chimay insists on going to his night cage promptly at 9:00, and is pretty regular about waking up at or around 7. On the weekends, if I'm still sleeping when he wakes up he shimmies down to the bottom of his night cage and rips up newspaper until I unwillingly roll out of bed. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:silly:

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My fids go to bed promptly at 9:00 pm if the lights aren't out, Sully, my Eclectus, will shriek and shriek louder until the lights are out. Ana Grey just calming sits on her nite, nite perch until the lights are out. They do not make any noises until they hear me up in the morning.

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Well Cocoa is a construction worker's bird so we're up before the sun . I get up @ 4:30 am and I uncover Cocoa about 4:45 am. He responds by barking at me ( Yes, he's a "bird dog" which is pretty funny). I make my coffee, get the paper and talk to him while I make my lunch. Once that's made I pet him , then I'm outta here.


He gets covered when I go to bed @ 9:00 pm.

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Emma starts to talks aloud around 7:30 am. This is her way of letting me know that she wants out and it's time for me to wake up too. Sometimes she chooses not to talk and prefers to imitate the microwave. If I ignore her then she tends to quiet down. I usually get out of bed when I hear her because I know that she needs to go potty and prefers NOT to do it in her cage.{Feel-good-00020114}

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Harvey gets up at 05.50am on a weekday and about 8am on a weekend. I know there's no point me trying to creep past him when I'm on my way out to work, so his "nightie" comes off and he comes out for his morning poop on his stand, I make his breakfast, make my lunch and then he goes back into his cage and I'm off to work.


At the weekend it's a little later - he's always got his "nightie" on before 9pm though (1 hour and 20 minutes and counting!!!)

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Sebastian gets up at 5:45am. We dont cover his cage, he is new in our home (he came 3 weeks ago) so i think he is still careful not to make a peep.But in a past 2 days after he ate he came out of the cage and gave me kisses...and this morning he told my son to "shut up" when he talked to him.lol! i am soooo glad he is coming out of his shell.

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WHEN HE'S TOLD TO LOL! No seriously, Beau is a quiet bird at the best of times and mornings are no different, I never hear him until I uncover his cage which is around 7.10 weekdays and around 8(ish) weekends, he then has a little twitter to himself/me until he is fed shortly after.

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WHEN HE'S TOLD TO LOL! No seriously, Beau is a quiet bird at the best of times and mornings are no different, I never hear him until I uncover his cage which is around 7.10 weekdays and around 8(ish) weekends, he then has a little twitter to himself/me until he is fed shortly after.

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Schroeder and buddy wake up and start playing with their toys and eating around sun up. They dont start swuaking and making noise till i get up though. Case in point: My husband gets up about 2 hours before I do. He goes out to the living room and says hi. They are still quiet. When I wake up and sit up in bed, they start making noise IMMEDIATLY. Mike always knows I am waking up because of the noise they make, and not the noise I make. I guess it's because I fix breakfast....that and well, Im a lot more fun >:)

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Whisper in 20 months old. I have had her since she weaned. She has never once woke me up. She does not make a sound until I go in and uncover her cage. She sleeps in her own room and lights are out and cage covered. My work schedule varies a lot and it could be anywhere between 5 to 8 am.

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