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Long time lurker, brand new 'joiner'

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Hey everyone.


I've browsed around these forums for a long time as a guest and figured I should probably attempt some form of active membership... finally.


I've had Edison, my CAG (re: avatar and below), for 12 years. Wow... it definitely hasn't seemed that long. He's a big ham and a big suck- when he wants to be. He's also camera shy, it's a real chore to take a decent one.


I'm looking forward to getting to know you all :)


~ Sevi.


edison_cropped.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Sevi, at: 2008/05/15 16:30


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Hello Sevi and welcome to the family, so glad you finally decided to join us and quit lurking:laugh: and we look forward to hearing more about you and Edison.


Wow, 12 years you have had him, did you get him as a baby? He does look like a little ham but camera shy, he looks to me like he is enjoying it. I'll just bet he has you wrapped around his little talon.


Take a little time and read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have and we will do our best to get some answers and help you in any way we can.


Thanks for sharing a pic of Edison with us, we usually have to ask for them, you must have already figured that part out and gave us what we wanted right now.:laugh:

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I am glad I decided to join too.


I did indeed get him as baby and I found hand-feeding to be one of the most rewarding experiences when I first got him. Though it pales in comparison to having him as a companion for so long.


The trouble with pictures is that I can never get an action shot. As soon as he sees the camera he stops dead in tracks and drops everything he was doing. He was playing with a wooden spool in the one above, the little point-and-shoot came out and BAM, the spool was gone. One day, one day.

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Welcome Sevi and Edison!!!!


It's great that you have decided to become an active member. With the amount of time you have had Edison, I'll bet you have tons to share with us all.


Great photo and hopefully you will be able to sneak in a few more when Edison isn't looking. :-)

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I certainly hope I'll have a lot to share. This forum is really an indispensable resource for grey owners, and any bird owners at that.


I will seriously snap me a candid photo... I have one- and it was because he didn't realize my cell-phone was a camera. It made the faux shutter noise though, so I can't rely on it anymore. :dry:

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