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Mirrors for Teils?


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I never gave mine a mirror because I read in many places that it would cause him to get attahced to "the other bird" and become depressed if it was ever taken away or somehting like that.


I was watching some Videos on Youtube and most of them have mirrors and they are sitting there, stareing into them singing.


Would it be wise to get Beans a Mirror or no?

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If you want to make your tiel feel good, after you get the mirror and get a marking pen and draw a checkerboard on the mirror. That way, when your tiel looks into it, he'll feel like he's visiting someone in prison and he'll be happy that it's not him. On the other hand, he could think he's in prison being visited and would feel very sad and might get angry that he's been dealt a terrible hand in life. Just check the bird periodically for any signs of a planned breakout or a suicide attempt.

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Dave007 wrote:

If you want to make your tiel feel good, after you get the mirror and get a marking pen and draw a checkerboard on the mirror. That way, when your tiel looks into it, he'll feel like he's visiting someone in prison and he'll be happy that it's not him. On the other hand, he could think he's in prison being visited and would feel very sad and might get angry that he's been dealt a terrible hand in life. Just check the bird periodically for any signs of a planned breakout or a suicide attempt.





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wow... Dave007 you really have a vivid imagination. :laugh:


i didn't put a mirror in my Tiels cage but they are a pair so they have company. If i had a single Tiel i would definitely get a mirror

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The thing is, I have been trying to tame him for 4 years. Nothing ever works with him. He will step up with one foot and start to fly away, When I open the cage door he starts Flappin like crazy running away from my hand.


(I should make a video to show you how he is.)

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So your no longer trying to tame him? Then give him a mirror and a bigger cage.


If you are trying don't give him the mirror and clip him so he can't fly away. The feathers well grow back. Be consist. Pick a training plan you want to use and don't change it and do it ever single day.

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I would Love to tame him. But he just fights it.


I was watching some videos on training and I was thinking of getting a clicker. Its seems that using the Clicker and Millet stuff that I might be able to make some progress with him.(he LOVES that millet stuff)


Should I buy a Clicker then?

My only thing about that is, I dont want to have to use the clicker EVERYTIME I hold him. Is that something that comes with using a clicker?<br><br>Post edited by: Matt, at: 2008/05/15 19:01

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Tari wrote:

This is a link to a taming plan I would recomend for you.


I know it is for budgies but I think it well work just as well for your partly tame tiel.





thanks for that link, it was very helpful.

Im going to start trying that.


oh and good news, yesterday ANd today, Beans has been sitting on the homemade perch next to my Computer. I think he likes it since i always attach that millet stuff lol

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