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when to higher the perch


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My babies are 13 weeks and I have put their perch up one at the moment, when should I lift it higher because it is a large cage and if I put the purch up to where the food bowls are it is going to be very high for them,at the moment they can still purch and eat their food from the bowls on the floor of the cage,if I move the perch up higher will they come down for their food





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Hi Amanda,are your food bowls kind of in the middle height of the cage or higher ? Personally when i brought Alfie & Freddie home i had perches no higher than halfway up the cage,their food bowl level.I put old towels on the bottom of the cage covered with newspaper to soften any falls.Each week i moved the various perches up a few inches,but i found in the end they both were very efficient climbers & would climb higher then the perches anyway !

I would start to move their food bowls off the floor & raise their perches ;)

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Like Tracy said they are able to perch at this age so move the bowls up some and pad the bottom of the cage if they are likely to fall off the perch until they are more proficient at perching and start climbing the bars.


They must be the cutest things right now at 13 weeks of age, have you posted any recent pics?:)

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Go to a Video/Picture Hosting Site like www.Photobucket.com and upload a picture.

Then, you click the link below it that looks like:


[ img] blah blah blah [/img ] (Minus the spaces)


Then you paste that in your post and walah...

you posted a picture.


Hope that helped.<br><br>Post edited by: Matt, at: 2008/05/14 17:42

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Guest Skuffy

B) Easy to upload a pic to your photos here then right click it..copy image location..then link



much faster than messing with photobucked.;)

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Thanks Matt for resizing that for us, now if Amanda will take it out of her post that would be great or you can tell her how to resize them to post.


Those two are some good looking babies Amanda, thanks so much for sharing them with us.:P

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Oh and all you have to do to make them perfect size is add size=500 into the image code.


Example: [ img size=500] blah blah blah [/img ]<br><br>Post edited by: Matt, at: 2008/05/15 00:32

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