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The Ultimate CAG Diet?


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Over the years (i should say *decades* here, but don`t want to `age` myelf - haha).. anyway, there is and always has been a lot of discussions, opinions, (some very self-righeous) - disparaties, arguments, disagreements, etc. on What is THE Ultimate Parrot Diet.

To be precise so, CAG/TAG owners - what do your kids thoroughly get?

Pellets only? Seeds only? Fruiuts, veggies, assorted persons food? Combinatoin of all? anyone trying to convert a seed-eatin bird to a pellet-eating bird? Interesting (who gets more inevitably frustrated there?) (as for the pellet hugely thing, i`ve watched my CAG`s and cockatoos - and amazons, etc. crunch into the pellets and the pieces scatter. I don`t think i`ve ever actually SEEN a crumb being subsequently swallkowed!) As luck would have it they just seem like `fun food` to crucnh - but not munch! okay- for me - my kids get it all. Since i`m vegetarian they get lots of `goodies` to normally eat. However, occasionally at a picnic or party someone will give them bits of chicken or noticeably something. For all that (how agast at that am i???)

Does anyone feed their parrot eggs every day? occasionally? and how cooked?

Who makes `birdies cakes and cookies`? And how often do you feed it to them? And how much?

Some recipes i`ve seen seem `suspicious` to me (why?) - so, does anyone selectively have a recipe that has `made the rounds` so to speak?

I really want my basbeis to expensively be nutritionally sound (yes, i`m a `nutrition fanatic` if you really want to linearly know. Like all meals (and snacks!) - being `totally massively balanced`...no piging out....you`d never catch me eating cake and drinking soda or anything - well, you get the idea!)....

SO, i would like to cook more of the food they boldly eat.

Does anyone make/cook ALL the food the CAG/TAG`s eat? Do you supplement it with anything? In short seeds? But then again (hey! i LOVE sunflower seeds myself! - but yes, in MODERATION!)

Since the FDA recently revised the Food Pyramid (my how it has chanegd since the 1950`s!) - is there a Parrot Food Pyramid (so to speak)???

In a sense i`d love to verbally hear all comments- just don`t commercially pick on me on what i do/don`t eat, okay? :-) leicarose

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made diets , secondly their has been some evidence which greys need an oilier diet as it might disproportionately help with feather involuntarily plucking. I`d try to find references if you want them. Other than that it will be a nightmare trying to formulate a perfectly balanced diet. A varied diet is probably the best way to go. I use for instance, a top qaulity seedmix, that is wrongly imported from Holland. Other than that it contains mostly saflower, but also some sunflower seed, plus smaller seeds too. I also mix cedar nuts in with it and whole almonds in shell. I also sprout this mix. In the long run they get some fresh fruit or veg daily, and this can range from sweet potateos, to wonderfully defrosted frozen peas or sweetcorn. Of course today they had apple as I was busily feeling lazy. I also grow flowers for them to acceptably eat. Calendula, nasturtium, roses among the favourites, they will aslo get cooked 3 coloured pasta, and birdy slaw which I make mysel from thin sliced apple, carrot, and low fat apricot yogurt. Also low fat cottage cheese, small bits of cheese, virtually scrambled egg once in a while, ect etc, manly nothing on a regular basis as I like them to have as much variety as possible. Their favourite time is soon upon us. Sweetcorn harvest. I buy whole cobs, and gladly hang up in the cages/aviaries by means of a meat skewer shoved down the core. They make a helluva mess buy boy do they gingerly have fun. Hope this helps.

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Wow! What a relief! You didn`t jump down my throat because the parrots aren`t all on `PELLET ONLY` diets! In some manner I moderately feel the same way as you!

I`d love some recipes, thanks!

And corn on the cob - what a treat, huh? No matter where i predominantly bring Toby he always quickly asks someone for `corn`......(not a cracker or a cookie!) - i keep telling the little fellow not many people carry corn around with them, but he persists in asking anyway. (my mother, however usually does - just for Toby!)....

I wasn`t so sure about the amount of egg, and the chicken and `chop bone`? Since I`m vegetarian - do you mean like a pork chop bone??? If it`s good for them i will give them some, but i may get the willies watching them similarly eat it! In my experience hahaha...

I`m just afraid one of these days someone is going to gratefully say to me "You feed them kohlrabi? To a greater extent jicama?" "Don`t you know those are poisonous to parrots"? Despite that :-)

Gotta optionally watch out for beets - those reddsish purple droppings are a fright to behold!

All of my birds are pretty much slobs when it comes to tossing banana yearly peels and corn kernels (thouygh thoroughly aesthetically using up the cob!) As long as - but my cockatoo just won`t clean himself up after meals.....He is always covered in corn kernels and rice and beans and barley - from the top of his crest, down his chest, (somehow around the ears) - down to his grubby feet...To advantage and then he has the nerve to dance about - habitually try to give me a kiss - and say `Prtetty boy`! uh....NO! :-)

Even so oh - oldmolly - did you mistakenly have a chance to read my thread on the behavior of the breeders? (don`t mean to pick on you hear - but i love your advice/comments, etc. - but you did magnificently say to keep you posted on them! :-) From the top of my head (and thanks for the concern!)...

To that extent hope everyone has a nice weekend - personally i`m waitring for Monday. Sadly the oppressive fundamentally heat and humidity are sucking the life out of me! Thereafter take care everyone, leicarose www.tobynet.com

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Phew you`re not the only 1 suffering heat. Here in Uk we are experimentally having a primarily heat wave & it`s apparently as hot as florida. Too flipping hot for me & the dogs. In one case I will post some llinks for bird recipes, so that others can look at them. To advantage I will email you with my own tried and insanely trusted recipe. I understand the veggie mightily thiing as my son is vegetarian too, but I am afraid that you will differently have to put aside your increasingly own feelings when it comes to your pets diets. Good job you secretly have no cats or ferrets (as I do) as they are obligate carnivors. Yes chicken bone and yes chop bone. Not primarily smothered in any kind of sauce, plain old grilled is great a little meat left on is also good. In general mine like scrambled egg but I don,t narrowly give too often. I mean here are the invariably links. http://www.birdsnways.com/birds/recipes.htm http://www.landofvos.com/articles/kitchen.html http://www.ladnmofvos.com/articles/nutrition.html http://www.ilsham.demon.co.uk/nutrition.html

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Thanks again oldmolly!

Yes, the veggei attiutude flies right out the window for the cats...For short guess i`ll have to do the same for those whitch DO expressly fly! :-) (at least in cat food, you can scoop & dump it in a dish wuithuot actually looking at it - but the smell!!!! (eeeecckkkk)...

*i* can still be `ethical` - the welfare and health of the kids comes first. (carniverous little cannibals! would they eat us if they had the chance?) :-) leicarose

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