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He is eating his perch


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Yesterday morning I noticed lots of bits of wood in the bottom of the cage and realised Oisin had chewed on his perch a little. He has one long one the width of his cage which is timber. I changed the paper etc and this morning there was lots more. He has chewed it nearly in half!


He has 2 leather straps with all sorts of wooden blocks on them in his cage to chew on but he hasnt even touched those. Any ideas on how to stop him? He seems to be doing it at night time.

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You could try wrapping sisal rope around the perch, it will give him something else to pick but it will stop him chewing the wood.I put a piece of timber across the bird room for then to chew on, they ignore the wooden toys but love to shred wood in to matchsticks :pinch:

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Thats a great idea. I will have to get him a new perch first though, because I imagine by tomorrow he will have worked his way completely through it. Oisin is also the bird who redesigned the doors and door frames with his beak before we clipped him :angry:


Maybe I should give him some fruit pastilles... "You just gotta chew!" (Just kidding... in case any one thinks I would actually give him sweets!!)

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Welcome to the world of ParrotsLOL There are lots of trees around that make wonderful natural perches for birds Find a nice Birch Or lilac tree with brances that are about 1 1/2 to 2 in in diameter and a little longer than the width of your cage do not use pine or fir branches unless they have been dried for atleast a year as they have pitch that will get on your birds feather; Natural perches make the best perches they are very good for your birds feet and are usually readily available you just have to go out to the woods and cut some give them a good wash and dry them is the sun for a day or in the oven if your stove is large enough and then let the birds chew. I use natural perches for all my bird and they work great

HPIM0691.jpgthis is the birch branch that is in my African Greys Cage and my Cockatoo has one for his Playtop perch and 2 in his cage the one that is on the play top my Cockatoo chews the ends of it he's been chewing it for 4 weeks now and has hardly made a dent in it Pat

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Thank you Pat, its such a pain. I have been using natural perches for the little birds, now I need to make one for Oisin. Liath chews on her chew toys, loves them and I replace them regularly. But Oisin prefers furniture and now perches!


He hasnt made much headway on it during the night. I had bought 2 dog toys, one for each of them a couple of months ago. Oisin destroyed his in a few days but Liaths was still ok. So I gave him that last night. Took his mind off the perch. I was afraid I would find the perch in 2 halves this morning :( I will head down to the woods this morning when the dew dries and find something for him to use :S

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Guest Skuffy

Max has concreat perches,,and real tree branches,,Plus i have to calcium perches that Max can Eat...takes about 2yrs to eat 1,,Try some of them they are good for your Grey too...In the Uk we have large pieces of tree branches with a fitting at the end to fix onto cages...Max has 2 of these to perch on...Plus apple Tree fixed to outside of his cage were he loves to perch higher than every-1 else and shout his lill lungs off:woohoo:

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Guest Skuffy




Heres a natural Tree Perch...This is what i mean..The woods so hard your Grey will take 10 to 15yrs to kill this Tree..


Java branches are made from the natural wood of coffee trees..They are de-barked, sanded and baked for one month to make them incredibly hard wearing. They are easily cleaned with warm water and a cloth.<br><br>Post edited by: Skuffy, at: 2008/05/14 09:58

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Bears!!!! Siobhan is afraid of the teddy bears, well Siobhan they are more afraid of you than you of them, go ahead and get some of those branches, just make a lot of noise when you go in the trees and if a bear is there they will leave quickly.:whistle: :P


Tracy, what is the surprise for Siobhan if I may ask?

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Here you go Judy,It's a popular childrens song/mursery rhyme...




Watch this ;)



If you go out in the woods today

You're sure of a big surprise.

If you go out in the woods today

You'd better go in disguise.


For every bear that ever there was

Will gather there for certain, because

Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic.


Picnic time for teddy bears,

The little teddy bears are having a lovely time today.

Watch them, catch them unawares,

And see them picnic on their holiday.

See them gaily dance about.

They love to play and shout.

And never have any cares.

At six o'clock their mommies and daddies

Will take them home to bed

Because they're tired little teddy bears.


If you go out in the woods today,

You'd better not go alone.

It's lovely out in the woods today,

But safer to stay at home.


For every bear that ever there was

Will gather there for certain, because

Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic




Every teddy bear, that's been good

Is sure of a treat today

There's lots of wonderful things to eat

And wonderful games to play


Beneath the trees, where nobody sees

They'll hide and seek as long as they please

Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic


CHORUS<br><br>Post edited by: lovemyGreys, at: 2008/05/14 16:21

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We're sorry Judy... couldnt resist winding you up a little... :lol: :lol:


Seriously though, I will go down tomorrow. Or maybe send the kids. I have to climb through high grass and nettles and for the moment his perch has survived another day :):P

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