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I had to do it


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I spent the morning Clipping my 3 small birds wings and nails. I hated haveing to clp thier wings. It was a matter of saftey. Everytime I would go into the diningroom to spend time with my Cockatoo Sprout my Green cheeked Conure woul fly in and land on my shoulder. Well when I have a large Cockatoo sitting on my hand and a Little Conure on my shoulder there is a very good chance the either i'm going to get bit or My Conures going to get killed. It a mad rush as soon as he lands to get that Cockatoo off of me a quickly as possible Its just not fair that he would have to have his quality time disrupted because a little green Conure interupts us. so Sprout my Conure got his wings clipped this morning. I also clipped my other Conure and my Cockateil. The cockateil got done because he is always flying oer to my Greys cage and I don;t want him to get hurt. And my other Conure got done because she and Sprout are good friends and I couldn't doat one and not the other.

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Sprout's a cheeky little dare devil isnt he? You'd think he would be afraid of the cockatoo :ohmy: Yes I can definitely see why clipping was the only option. I clip the budgies and cockatiels too because they like to fly to the greys cage and would get their toes amputated! At least now I can have them out when the greys are in, and not worry about where they get to.


Little birds fly so much faster than bigger ones dont they?

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Yeah I pretty much clip Sunny's wings all the time for safety reasons and if you have more than one conure then you have to do them all if you do one. And buddy she knows it when I get the scissors out to clip as she tries to get away from me but she never succeeds:laugh:

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