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Maui Update and travelling question


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Hello all, I haven't posted for quite a while. Been real busy. Maui is now 7 and a half months old. He is doing great. He is making tons of sound effects and I could sware that I hear a "Good Birdie" every once in a while. He has really bonded well with the family. One of the funniest things he does: My wife reads stories to the little ones every night before bed. If she doesn't take Maui up stairs with her for stories, he will fly to the bottom of the stairs and climb up one step at a time until he heads for the kids room. I need to get it on video as it's really funny. We have also tried out a couple harnesses. We tried the Feather Tether, the Flight Suit and the Aviator. We are by far most impressed with the Aviator. I have been taking Maui for walks around the block. He is really getting use to it and enjoys himself. I'll get some new pics up soon.


Now, for the question. We are going to be on vacation for 2 or 3 weeks in June. I bought an Adventure Pack to use while in the car. It really seams a little small for him and he reeally doesn't like being in there. He hangs upside down a lot and looks to be trying to figure out how to escape. I'm not so concerned with the travel time, but, I am looking for recomendations for a collapsable cage to use at my parrents place while we are there. I want something big enough that he will be ok in there but, something that folds down for travelling. Anyone have any good ideas or experiences to share? I don't want to break the bank either as the GAS station gets most of our money these days. Any help would be appreciated,





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Hello Jody, glad to hear you are doing well just busy and we have missed you on the forum. That is so sweet that Maui wants to be with the kids when they are being read to, he doesn't want to miss out on any action, and if you could capture that on video to share with us that would be super.


About your question, yes I agree that the adventure pack is a little small for a longer period of time for a grey, I use mine for my sun conure. I have a bigger travel cage that I use for Josey and I have included a link so you can check it out. It collapses down for easy storage and comes with 2 bowls and holders plus a perch, I love mine and I have no problem with Josey going into it as she knows she is going somewhere.



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If you are looking for something cheap and cheerful, what about using a dog crate? They collapse right down, and you could attach cups and concrete perches to the sides. That could be placed on a table or dresser at your parents...

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