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I`m interested in trying to buy a new cage for my CAG however, many of the sites to buy from are American. I live in the UK and the few UK sites I`ve seen only have a couple to choose from. Does anyone have recommendations? Thanks. Erica.

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http://www.moncaster.co.uk/grp08-cages.php3 But there are so many other places, like brunaos parrot ware house etc. If you get a copy of parrots magazine, (out now) there are plenty of advertisers in them. I have found however that there seems to be a bit of a cartel as whoever is selling, the prices for any given cage are exactly the same. No competition at all. The link I posted has unusual cages, and do mail order.Also their prices are very reasonable. My grey and amazon each have a cage like this one http://www.moncaster.co.uk/cages/big-jpgs/4001.jpg I removed the perches that come with it as I always do and bought a rope perch, a pollys pastel for the roosting perch, and a willow branch perch and there is still plenty of room for them to move about, and to place toys and swings etc. It is also easy to clean. I have had one of them for 4 years now and it is as good as new even when I get the pressure washer on it. Personally I dislike the cages with thick iron bars powder coated. They look too much like a prison, and all you notice is those thick bars, and not the bird. I imagine that the bird feels the same from the inside too.
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Personally I have never messed about or indulged scaredy cat behaviour. If it were me I would transfer all her toys into the new cage and the perches if you have good perches and not those dreadful plastic ribbed things or smooth doweling, then let her out, put her into the new cage and immediately put the old cage out of sight. Offer special treats etc. I have never had a problem with my greys and move them about often when I get a newer,better, or bigger cage. Mine care not a jot.

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scared they`re going to be, and mess around with little baby steps and making a big fuss, that nervousness communicates itself to the bird. If I get the cage ready, put the bird in with a bowlful of favorites and just get on with life - no big deal - they take the changes in stride as well. Ditto with nail trims, riding in the car, or anything else.

I can tell you 99% of the time owners brought their pets in and did all the "poor Fifi big bad doctor going to hurt my itsy bitsy baby" the pet - bird, cat, dog, whatever - shook and whined or even got nasty. The pets of owners who came in, got the job done without fanfare, and left were never a problem, they simply took it in stride.

Bey especially is very intuitive and picks up on my feelings - as does my little Meyer`s, Elliot. Then again, I don`t get upset about all that much...but when I do, they react accordingly. I`ve read several times (sorry, didn`t keep a bibliography) that the percentage of plucking greys is MUCH higher among birds owned by people for whom it was a major concern than those who didn`t know or worry about it becoming a problem.

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molly`s cag`s sound like mine. Big, roomy and lots of toys and good things to eat? Mine could care less about getting into a new cage. Now, if it doesn`t have a playgym on top, well......there`s something to worry about with these guys. :-)

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