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Remodelling House


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I have some-what of a dilema. I am remodelling my house, and I'm to the upstairs hardwood floors. I'm wondering if the fumes from the laquore (sp?) would hurt the bird if she was downstairs. The upstairs would, of course, be venalated. The issue is that I do not have anywhere to go with my bird while I do this. It is only 1 room and a hall way, about 270 sqr feet.

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The best course of action would be to remove the bird from the house until the work is done and has been aired out but since you have nowhere else to go then you have to deal with it.


If you ventilated the upstairs where the work is going on and maybe can somewhat close off the downstairs so the fumes won't come into that area then the bird should be ok. I would also open the windows downstairs to let in fresh air, just be sure to keep the bird away from drafts.


If you could run an air purifier while all this is going on, that may help with the fumes too.


Why don't you do a search and find any threads that already have some information about just such a topic, I know this has been discussed before but I hope what I told you is of some help to you.:)

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My father has a wood floor company and I can tell you right now the fumes are very deadly for your bird. I would not chance it. The fumes can make people higher than a kite without wearing a mask, not to mention the chemicals are very bad for humans, imagine what it could do to the Grey.


I wouldn't chance it if it was me. Just an opinion.

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Thanks Kim for the advice, it helps when someone knows firsthand about wood floors, finishers and the fumes they create. They would be worse for the grey than they would be for us since their respiratory systems are more sensitive to the fumes.


I thought with proper ventilation the grey could stay but now I know different, thanks Kim for clarifying that for me as it could have been fatal for his bird.

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Your welcome, There is a chance the bird would be fine if kept far far from the fumes, but I have been around those fumes my whole life and I don't think there is such a thing as proper ventilation. The fumes from the laquor will not go away just by airing the house out for a few hours. It's about like painting fumes, they will linger on for at least a few days, at the very least. I really don't think this would be safe, I wouldn't chance it with my Grey, not in a million.

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