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Clicker Training


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Hi Lovelylew


I did not order a training program but I am working with Jenna with a clicker. birdclick.com has a LOT of helpful ideas. Results are mixed so far, and it is entirely my fault. Jenna learned targeting within the first 2 days; but we've had trouble moving on from that. The retrieve has been difficult for us. I got some good suggestions from the folks at birdclick.com and we're trying to move on with a "retrieve." We'll see how it goes! Training is a bit disrupted right now because of some renovations in "her" room - a friend built me some great book cases and is ripping up the carpet and replacing it for me over the next few days. Jenna likes him so she does not mind the activity too much, and she'll be out of the room when he does anything involving dust or fumes :-) But the disruption may make training difficult to follow through with for a few days

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