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VERY Angry Grey!!

Guest smokey

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Guest smokey

Smokey my 1 yr old grey is a well rounded bird, that doesn't take agression out on me or others, but more his toys. Almost every time he plays with foot toys he screams at the top of his lungs at them screeching. Flings them every where chases and attacks them constantly, but only to his toys, is this normal? Like i said its only towards his toys... it's funny at times but does it have to do with being unhappy?

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It sounds to me thats exactly what he's doing My grey acts exactly the same way when it comes to food cups when I fill her bowls I use a food cup when I'm done she grabs the cup from my hand and attacks it with everything she got and them chucks it. its a game to her when she throws it and I pick it up and give it back she's not nearly as violent with it the second time she just takes out her aggretions on it the she's done with it Pat<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/05/12 08:16

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Oh yes ours does that as well. He actually picks the foot toy up, looks at it in surprise like how did you get there, get off my foot, screams at it and then waves it up and down hitting himself in the head and beak sometimes. He also hangs upside down and grabs his bell, screams and gives it a good whacking. Very normal behaviour.

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This sounds a bit like what my CAG Rascal does with soda bottles. I set her down on the counter one day to pour a drink, and when I set the empty bottle down near her she went absolutely nuts on it. She doesn't scream at it, but she puffs up all her feathers, as shown in this picture.




She repeatedly will act this way around the soda bottles, and since I can't tell if it's excited play or if she's afraid of it and trying to fight it off, I just avoid putting bottles near her now. :P

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That looks like excited play to me, if she was scared of it she would take flight away from it in a second, you should go back to giving her them to play with and take some more pics to share with us.


Their natural instinct is to take flight if scared and she didn't as is evident in the photo, btw, thanks for sharing that with us.:P

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Glad to know she's not scared of it.


And I have definitely witnessed the flight behavior. One time I had her on the counter and brought my dryer lint filter past her to clean it. She flew away from it in a mad panic at the mere sight of it! I've tried a few times to show it to her again and reassure her that it's not a threat, but for some reason she is deathly afraid of the sight of that piece of plastic. Who knows what these goofy animals think. :blink:

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Oh yes Smokey, my Bella goes crazy on her toys, hangs upside down and wacks her toys with one foot, growling and screaming. She was so loud the other day both my greyhounds jumped up and ran into the bedroom! She loves to play and I can tell she's having a great time with it. She loves dangling upside down too when she attacks. Lately she holds on to my fingers, dangles upside down and swings back and forth attacking her walnut box. I held her up higher and rocked her back and forth and she went "whooo hooo!" (my grand daughter has taught her all kinds of new sounds :laugh: )

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Guest smokey

thanks every one glad to hear it's normal after all. Other then foot toys my grey seems to just like soft wood hanging toys but he doesn'y play with hanging toys with so much energy. What kind of foot toys are your greys favorites?

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Guest smokey

smokey does the same thing with plastic cat ball with bell in them. at first ot took hima awhile to get the bell out, now he has it down and less thenn a minute after i give him it the bells out. but i watch him closly as i chose to not let him chewon the bell, i heard metal can be toxic to chew for greya and i just want to be safe.

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I was sure surprised when she did that, because I'd never seen her react to anything like that before. She was 10 years old when I got her this January, so maybe her previous owner used soda bottles as a toy. All I did was set it down on the counter a few feet from her.


I have to be careful though. She gets so wound up going after that bottle that if my hand is nearby when she lunges for the bottle she's gotten me a few times. It's amazing just how far into your finger those little beaks can go. :S

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Maybe when you give her the bottle to play with just take a step back and let her have her fun with it then let her calm down a bit before you step in to pick her up or get close to her with your hand. They can certainly get really excited and nip without meaning any harm to you.


But I would love to see a little bit of video of this action she takes out on these bottles if you could manage to do that, it would be a hoot to see!!!:lol:

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