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First bath for adopted grey


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If you are really brave you can try taking Sammy into the shower and see if she will allow you to get her wet that way, some of the member's greys love to shower with their owners. My Josey does not care for baths but I take her into the shower and use the spray nozzle on her, I have one of those hand held ones, she tolerates it but does not like it.


You can also put her into the tub and use a spray bottle filled with cool water and spray her down until she is wet, it will take a bit because the feathers on the back are practically waterproof, hard to get wet.


Some will try to bathe in their water bowls and some will even use a larger bowl placed on the bottom of the cage, some will put a toy or two in to entice them to play in it.


Whatever method you use try to make it as fun as possible and talk softly to her and tell her it's ok, but she just might surprise you and like it.

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I bought Starbuck a shower perch. For the first couple of weeks, about 3 times a week I took her in there and let her sit and watch me enjoy playing in the water, I sang and splashed around like an idiot. Today for the first time she wanted to join me! All I had to do was swing the shower perch under the water (she could easily step in and out of the water that way). She seemed pretty happy shaking her head around and flapping a bit. She's still drying out :).


But while you're getting Sammy used to the idea (if you do the shower thing)... give him a large shallow bowl of water. Sometimes they'll go bathe themselves that way. (Make sure you spalsh around in it some or put some toys in there to show it's a fun thing and not a scary thing.)

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My bird (cag)Sammy is almost three years old , his previous owner said she never gave him a bath because he hated it .......OMG...He was like a snow bunny , every time he moved , it looked as though he was snowing . So we have been working on misting several times per day . Finally today he acted as though he liked it . Sometimes it just takes time to help them adjust to new things.

Hopefully your new baby will love bath time..


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From suggestions on this forum I mist Dorian with 100% aloe juice about 3x's a week. Start with a spray bottle with just water at first. Many birds here, including mine, seem to prefer the water cold. Spray from above so that mist falls down on Sammy. You'll know pretty fast how she/he feels about getting wet.;) Finish off doing the same with the aloe juice. It's good for their skin and feathers. I always give a favourite treat after a bath, hoping to shorten the sulking! Good luck.

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Acapella, I did the water thing and boy did Sammy freak out on that one. If she wasn't in the cage I'm pretty sure she would have bit my arm off, lol. I held the mister above her and let it fall down like rain, then I tried to mist her belly a couple times. She was really irate. I guess I will try a big bowl of water with some aloe vera juice in it and just stick it in the bottom of her cage. What do you think? Should I still keep trying the bottle maybe a squirt or two every couple days and see if she gets use to it? Or not?

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If her reation was so severe I wonder if someone along the way made the mistake of using a spray bottle of water to try to correct behaviour like people do with cats. Try a shallow dish of cool water, not the aloe juice. You don't want her drinking large amounts of the juice instead of drinking water. Try droping in a desired foot toy or maybe a fav nut. See if she will get herself wet that way. Ultimately, they do need some way to bathe even if they hate it. Warn her before you spray her, use an excited tone of voice, like it's a game, and end with lots of praise and a treat. Some come to like it, others tolerate it, but it's part of being a good parront!

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That is horrible, I can't believe people would squirt their birds like that. Actually yes I can, but you would think anyone with half a brain would get rid of it before getting to torturing.

Thanks Acapella, drinking the water didn't dawn on me.

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Madi you would be surprised at what others have done to their birds either out of ignorance or just for the fun of it, makes me sick:sick:


Actually I wouldn't rule out the shower thing completely at this point, take her with you when you get in the shower and put her on the rod or something close by and see what her reaction is, she may just try getting in the water like Kitt's did, it may take a while but it's worth a shot.

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You can always use their flock mentality to your advantage. Like judygram said, take her into the washroom when you shower. If you have counter space use a table top perch/playstand. Let her see it's fun, that mom doesn't melt when she gets wet:P

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I will try that.. put her on the counter thing. I gave her a mist last night, she made a very loud noise when I did it!! I will just keep up with the one a day thing until I think she can handle two a day without tripping out on me.


Thanks all.

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I took her to the vet who actually owns 3 African Greys. She told me she looked good and that her feather loss may be because of being in the small cage hitting her feathers and that they may just need to come out. It could also be a combiation of falling (Sammy has fell off of her cage a couple times that I know of) Which may be due to not fledging. She didn't do any blood work on her. She told me she looked fine. So I'm trusting her instincts.. She told me to just keep doing the mist thing even if she doesn't like it because she has to have baths. She also told me to do just as some of you have about taking her in the bathroom.


Sammy was really good at the vets. I was shocked but she never tried to bite the vet. She didn't care for getting put on her back in the towel though, but all in all a good visit.

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Is she an Avian vet ? I am surprised she didnt do bloodwork , how can you tell if all is well by looking at them ? They hide illness. Oh well , I guess you need to be comfortable with her opinion . Yes, they do have to have the baths..Keep us informed.

Kind Regards ,


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Yes, she is an Avian vet. She had her 3 Greys in her office. All very beautiful. I was willing to pay for the blood test, she didn't seem to think it was necessary. Maybe I will take her back in a few months and tell her to do them anyway. Just for good measure.


Maybe she thought the bird had been through enough, I really don't know. She did give me tons of info on them. I hope trusting her was the right thing to do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Updates on the baths.. She wasn't doing to hot with the bath's I really believe someone torchered her with a water bottle!!


Today it was really nice outside and the kids were out playing in the water, I was cleaning Sammie's cage.. It gave me an idea!!


I took Sammie outside in her cage, I put the water hose on mist and the kids let me spray them next to Sammie's cage. Before Sammie new it she was getting a bath. She didn't freak out like she normally does and I believe she actually liked it.


She looks so much better, I'm sure she feels better too!


IMG_2098.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: madisimmons, at: 2008/05/27 05:01

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Thats great, I am certain Sammie also enjoyed the outdoors and the the "UV" enhanced vision he experienced. As all the things dull through the looking glass (Window) "Illuminated" with a burst of colors Sammie had never seen before on all the surroundings. :P


Thanks for sharing that picture.

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