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Eye Infection


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Thanks Judy, I will let you know. It's funny, looking back, the vet did say her bacteria level wasnn't that high, but because of the redness around her eye, felt there might be more to it, and the meds were the best way to knock anything out.:dry:

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Thanks for the update Penny. It is great to hear that Talon is back in good health for the most part.


You are probably right on the money regarding the light shining in from the side of the cage. Studies have shown that it is not the optimum placement and is VERY irritating to the "Side" of your bird it shines upon. Also, depending on the wattage and UVA/UVB levels, can cause cataracts, eye irritation and blindness eventually.


Taking that side light away will tell the story in very short order.

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OMG, Dan!! I had no idea about the light. She was in her play cage today for about 4 hours, and her eye was a little red, but not anywhere near as bad as before. Maybe I better just shut off the old light for now. It never gave her any problems before. The light isn't tall enough to reach the top of her cage. I have it on a high stool already. :dry:

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Well Penny, I didn't mean to alarm you, but thought I should mention it.


During my research on optimum Avian lighting, I came across that in one of the studies conducted. It does just make sense, when you think about having a tanning lamp shine directly only on one side of your face or more specially in to that one eye. :-)


Hopefully you will know if lighting is the culprit or not by just not using it for a few days and observing Talons Eye.

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Thanks for mentioning it. Thats a piece of advice that makes perfect sense, but I never thought about before. I will leave the light off for the rest of the week, and see if the redness goes away. Her eye is not red when I get her up from her sleep cage in the am. :dry:

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Yes, everyone, it was the light! I believe it had given her a sunburn, as every time she came out of her cage, it was very red!! I had taken that light away, and put her old light back. It too does shine on the side of her cage, but it never made her eye red. I have yet to turn it on. I'm trying to give her eye a long healing time to make sure it doesn't flair up again. I called the vet and let him know in case he ever encounters something like this again. It sure would have saved a traumatic time for us had it been something he suggested, but I guess he never heard of this. It was a special avian light for birds, I believe it will stay in the basement never to be used again. What a waste of $80.00 :pinch:

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Well im pleased to here removing the light has had the desired effect.Is it worth contacting the manufacturer of the light to see if they have encounted this before or if they have had any complaints ? You never know it may make them have a look at there product or perhaps you purchased a faulty light ?

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I bought an AvianSun floor lamp from Dr. Fosters. However, I didn't buy the AvianSun bulb. I use an Ott Lite bulb (not the one that Dr. Fosters has because it doesn't fit). If that's the lamp you have, I'd consider getting a different bulb so that you can at least use part of your investment. The one I have is the first one listed (it's temporarily out of stock) at this site:



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Talon wrote:

It was a special avian light for birds, I believe it will stay in the basement never to be used again. What a waste of $80.00 :pinch:


Hi Talon,


It's good to hear you got to the bottom of the problem. If it did indeed come with any of the ReptiSun or similar bulbs, the UVA\UVB output is too high and also with it shining from the side is the culprit.


The dangers are two fold. 1) The sunburn you noted 2) possible blindness in the eye receiving the light directly from the side.


As you know, I did a lot of in-depth research into to Avian lighting. I know you can not construct a setup as I did, but there are premade lighting fixtures you can purchase so they shine down from above and at the proper distance from your Grey.


Thanks for the update and I hope you find a good alternative to the lighting you presently have. :-)


Outdoors time in the cage works well, if thats an option. Their is no actual match for "Real" sunlight. B)

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Dan, thanks for your advice. The problem I am having, and maybe you can offer a solution, is that the top of her cage opens up. I like to have a light on it when I have to put her in her cage when I leave. Otherwise she is free to roam the house when I am home. Her cage is tall. Any suggestions?


Ideally, I have been wanting to purchase a cage like Judy has, maybe I should just hit the credit cards, and do it! ;)

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Hi Penny,


Well, if you want a new Cage, then that route might be best and you could get a lamp that sits directly on top of the Cage.


The other option, since your looking a funds either way, would be to have someone install a double fluorescent fixture to the ceiling like I did and purchase the Phillips tubes.


My Cage is very tall also and when the opts open it's 6 1/2 feet. The fluorescent fixture is 18 inches above that. So the distance is perfect even if they are perched on top with the lamps on. :-)


When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping!!! :woohoo: B)

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Thanks for the suggestion Dan & Tracy. Since I have moved, my credit cards are used way too much, but that won't stop me......:evil: :evil:


I think buying a new cage is what I will do. I suppose I could take her play cage she uses now and put it outside on my back deck. I am having part of the deck built into an aviary, but until then, she likes to be outside when we are, I could put her in her cage. See, there is always a solution!! ;) B)

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