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Eye Infection


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OMG!! You guys have me laughing soooo hard!




AND BTW.....I'VE SPENT MOST OF MY DAY SEARCHING THE HOUSE FOR HIDDEN CAMERAS!!!! :S:( :whistle: Thanks for the WARNINGS Judy!!! :silly:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/05/19 03:41

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LOL Penny!! Glad to see we are all keeping you on your Toes. :-)


Does Talon find all your "Searching" activity amusing? B)


How is Talon today? You know we need our daily "Fix" of knowing how it's going. :woohoo:

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You guys are great! I LOVE this family. I have been having personal problems with the soon-to-be-ex,(but not soon enough for me!!) and I have been very mentally drained. But enough about me, I just want you guys to know how much your caring and friendship to me means. You have helped put a bright ray of sunshine in my life each day that I come here. I love you all!! :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:


Okay, enough of the mush!! :pinch:


Talon's eye is getting better. It is still red and a little swollen on the top only. it was the entire eye, but it seems to be coming along, just not as quick as I expected. She has been such a good girl. After clamping that beak tightly shut....she will eventually give in, and drink the medicine slowly as I put it into the side of her beak! I'm very proud of her.

And I only have to sing and dance for a short time!! :laugh:

Friday am is the last day of her medicine, PHEW!! And then I will start the lacto/vinegar routine. I have neglected that since the move, and it seems that every time I do, she has comes down with some kind of infection. Hopefully I have learned my lesson, and I won't neglect this routine ever again. Bad Mommy! :huh:

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Talon wrote:

Bad Mommy! :huh:



No you are not a bad Mommy, just a busy, stressed out, frustrated Mommy who has too much going on in her life right now but it won't happen again now will it.:blink:


Glad to hear she is taking her meds in a better spirit now that she knows its no use fighting it anymore, thanks for updating this for us and I guess Friday won't come soon enough:whistle:

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Awww Talon, sorry to hear of the pressure and stress from personal matters. It's good to know we have brought a smile and a little "Light" into to your life each day. :-)


Love and concern for each other, is the "Cement" that keeps us all here wit our "Other" family.


Thanks for the update.


I have a question though, what is "I will start the lacto/vinegar routine"??


I have obviously never performed it for Dayo and am certain others here are as in the dark as I on this topic.


Could you please enlighten us? :laugh:


I send flowers as a forbearance of my gratitude...




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Dan, your such a sweetheart! I LOVE the flowers!! You once again put a smile on my face! :)


My vet believes whole heartily in this routine. I have been doing it ever since Talon was a baby, and in the past it has been used in place of antibiotics for her bacterial infection to much success!


Every 3 months, She has a 1/4 tsp. of lacto-plus mixed into a 8 oz. cup of water or juice. We use that mixture for her drinking water or juice for 2 weeks. I keep the unused portion refrigerated) Mixing a fresh batch every 2 days or so. After that, she gets a 1/4 tsp. of organic apple cider vinegar mixed into 8 oz. of water or juice. We use this as her drink for the next 2 weeks. Then we are done. This gets repeated every 2 months. 2 months off, 1 month on, etc.

The lacto helps put the good bacteria into her system, and the apple cider vinegar cleans out the bad, I guess. It smells horrible, thus the juice! :pinch:

I have yet to find anyone else here who's vet does this, but my vet has all his avian patients using this. Every time I have ever stopped, Talon ends up with some kind of infection. :huh:

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I'm curious if any one else here has ever heard of this?




Talon's eye is looking better, although the redness is not completely gone yet, but the swelling seems to ave gone down. Last night I put her on my shoulder and walked into the bathroom with her, which is where I go to towel her, and she wouldn't get off my shoulder. She watched me measure out the medicine into a syringe, and I thought she would fly off onto the shower curtain rod, but she just sat there talking. So.....I put the syringe into her beak, and she just started drinking the medicine. She drank the entire syringe WILLINGLY on my shoulder!! I couldn't believe it, I thought I was dreaming. :blink: She actually seemed like she liked the taste of it!! I was VERY happy. She's still sleeping this am, I'll see if she does it again once I get her up.

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She may have figured out it was coming anyway, might as well take it and enjoy, glad you didn't have to fight her on it finally.


I have never heard of this lacto/vinegar routine your vet swears by but maybe for Talon it is best you keep to it.:)


Thanks for the update:P

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Talon - Thanks for the reason and use of the Lacto Plus and vinegar. I and I am certain others will use this this if needed or if our Greys start becoming susceptible to infections.


It's does seem Talon has figured out she can get her meds the easy way or the hard. What a VERY smart girl. Must take after her Mommy. :-)


It's GreYt to hear things are staring to smooth out and Talon is on the mend. I am also happy I was able to bring a smile to your face. :-)

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Judy & Dan, you two never fail to put a smile on my place. I wish you know how much that means to me, I don't have many smiles theses days. So it makes me very happy when you are able to do that!


I just got Talon up, gave her breakfast, and got out the medicine, I tried to get her to step up, but as usual in the am since the meds, she flew off. So I went to her and put her syringe up to her beak, and she drank it on top of her play stand! I told her what a good girl she was, and she repeated it after she was done! It made my day!! :cheer:


Our vet has ALL his birds on the lacto/vinegar routine. I have always wanted to not do it, as it can be a pain, but look what happens every time I do. I wonder why others here don't have any problems...:huh:

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Beats me and I may ask my vet about it to see if he has heard of it and if he recommends it. Its nice that she has decided to take her medicine like a good little girl.:)


Thanks Penny but what are friends for if they can't help brighten your day but you hang in there for this will all be over soon and happy days will once again be yours.

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Okay, here's the latest update. Talon finished her meds 2 1/2 days ago. Her eye looks great in the am, and when she is out of her cage. There is a slight pink on the top, but you can barely see it. BUT, late in the day and at night, it appears to be awfully red!! It looks terrible! :(


After trying to figure out why it gets so red later, I am starting to realize that it appears to be after I take her out of her play cage. So, we cleaned it real well today, and thought and thought about it. The only NEW thing in and around her cage is an avian light I bought for her about 7 weeks ago. It has been 7 weeks since I have noticed her red eye. And yes, it is the same eye that the light shines on since the light is on the side of her cage. So.......I changed the light back to her old one, and I'll let you know if her red eye goes away completely. If it does, I will also tell you the brand of light that gave her the problem. It has to be the light as crazy as it seems. It is the only thing different around or in her cage. I hope I'm right, otherwise I worry about what is wrong with her. It appears to be some type if reaction to something...:huh:

I will keep you posted!

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It could very well be the light, thats some good detective work there Penny and I hope this is what it turns out to be for it's a simple solution but too bad that Talon had to go thru those meds for nothing if this is what it turns out to be. Keep us posted:dry:

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