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Eye Infection


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Talon has an eye infection. We're not sure how or why. Our vet did a gram stain, and the results won't be back until Monday afternoon. He thinks she could have an upper respiratory infection as well, but he won't know for certain until the results are in. IN the meantime, I am to TOWEL her (which she despises!!) and put eye drops in her eye morning and night. So far, it's been 4 times, and I only have one hole in one finger nail!! I consider myself pretty lucky so far, as she is such a biter!! I'll let you all know how many fingers I have left in ten days.....:S :pinch: :ohmy: :(;)

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Poor Talon :(! And your poor fingernail too :(. How long has it been since you moved? The stress may have lowered her immune system enough for her to catch something. When I adopted Nikko, she had a bacterial infection. She had been at the rescue for a week or 2, and they said it was probably the stress that let the infection get ahold of her.


Nikko said to let Talon know that she sends lots of get well wishes! Also, she mentioned that Talon should milk this for all it's worth, starting with some new toys :side:.

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OMG poor Talon and poor Penny as I know she hates to be toweled but it is for her own good so you do what you have to but be careful with those fingers of yours.:( I hope the results are not bad news but I know you will keep us up to date on whatever news it brings:huh:

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Thanks everyone! :)

I'm not really too concerned, as we have dealt with her having an upper respiratory infection and a bacterial infection on 2 other occasions. But putting eye drops in her eye, that's a new one for me. :S


Maybe I will post a photo of her eye, I wonder about it, as her eye looks perfectly normal, its the area around it that is red, and gets worse as she gets excited, and barely noticeable when she is calm. :huh:

We seem to get a handle on it early, as I am not the type to do the "wait and see" approach. I take her immediately with in a day or two if I notice a problem. I will keep you posted, and thank you all for your concern. :(

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HI Judy, I still have all my fingers, and fingernails so far....... Her eye is getting worse, and now it is spreading into the other eye. I just got home and the vet left a message on my voice mail. She does have a bacterial infection, and will have to be put on oral antibiotics for 10 days. I HATE this, she's tough to get medicine into. :( What a fight she puts up twice a day. Since she is fully flighted, I have a heck of a time catching her. She seems to read my mind before I even get the towel. It becomes a cat and mouse game here.....:S

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Poor Talon, is the Bacterial infection in her Eye's only or also in the rest of her system?


Assuming you will now need to apply both the Eye drops and oral antibiotics, it will be twice the drama on you both.


Hopefully Talon will become a little more accustomed to the toweling and spend less time attacking it and anyone else with-in beaks reach.


LOL - Talon has definately figured out your body language and/or has gained the ESP ability. :-)


Please keep us posted Penny, we care so much about Talon, as I am sure you already know.

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Well greys are definitely not dumb animals and she knows you by YOUR body language that trouble is up for her but I hope you survive these next few days with all your fingers and nails intact with no holes and she comes thru this bout of infection with flying colors.


I guess you may have to try a new tactic on getting ahold of her for these administering of her meds.:ohmy: Hang in there Penny for it will all be over soon.:P

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Hi Everyone! Thanks for all your concern about Talon. It means so much when you are worried about your precious one to have support like you have shown me here. I wanted to update you all.


Dan, her gram stain showed 10% bad bacteria, not a huge amount, but enough so that she has an infection.


I have found that if I put her on my shoulder, and playfully talk and do things with her, I can get her into the bathroom with me, where I play peek-a-boo with the towel on both her and I. I then dance and sing with her. She seems to relax a bit, then she gets the idea, and flies onto the curtain rod, or light. I then climb up and throw the towel over her, and take her down. Once I uncover her cute little face, she says, "whoo!" Then I am able to fight the syringe into her beak and give her the medicine. Of course, all the while she is shaking her head NO! But we get through it twice a day, and then she climbs back up onto my shoulder, and I give her a noodle reward. She is so forgiving to me, it amazes me!!

Her eyes are still red, but the swelling seems to have gone down. I hope the medicine clears it all up. I feel badly for her. I wish I knew what causes these infections. She seems to be susceptible to them...:(


Thanks all for your encouraging words and support! :)

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Kudos to you Penny for making a game out of having to administer Talon her meds, you are a smart woman and whatever works but what I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall when that song and dance routine is going on, sorry I just had to say that:blush: :laugh:


Maybe in a few more days it will all be over and that is good that she doesn't hold any grudges, you would be in trouble if she did.:P B)

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Thanks for the update Penny, it is great to hear Talon is responding to the Med's. Does the vet have any reasons for susceptibility to infections?


Keep us posted.


Now on the lighter side... You wrote " I play peek-a-boo with the towel on both her and I. I then dance and sing with her."


I would love to see a video of this. It could be that the "healing" dance you are performing is in reality a "rain-dance" resulting in a slower healing process than you are seeing.


Please have your daughter (talonsis) video tape this and we'll all let you know if it is in fact the "Correct" dance after reviewing this ritual. :P

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Aww come on now Penny, be a good sport and have Melissa video that song and dance for us, my gosh you own a dance studio for cris sakes, indulge us a little here as we all need a little laugh, well maybe a big laugh, all right we would laugh our heads off but thats no reason to not do it, come on huh!!!




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Darn it Penny, wheres the love? :laugh:


I do hope Talon is progressively getting better each day and is back to normal very soon.


Looking forward to hearing the update from you.


Talonsis - Did you get my PM regarding how to secretly install a hidden miniature camera? ;-)

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