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Is feather dust that bad??


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Hi, my dad used to suffer from asthma and allergies. Now he doesn't. Is it absolutely certain that he will suffer from asthma if we get a baby grey? We had an Amazon before and my dad was fine, but I guess they are not really a powder down species. And also, how good and noisy are air purifiers?



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Guest Skuffy

I have to say!!!!!!!No...You see astma is aconditon caused tho all diff kinds of Dust mite.Most common being the house dust mite...Is hard to explain..I have astma..But My Grey doesn't affect me,,then again he does..See what i mean,,Its hard to say....B4 i had Max i had a Senagal..totally dif birdie..Max,,Yes,,he has dannda,,but,,I keep on to top of it,,I bath him everyday,,,and spray him with Aloe vera,,his skin is getting so nicce and soft i do beleave bathing and spraying with aloe-vera 3times awk help.....If yuor chest is bad,,B4 you clean him,,Spray his cage with a fine spray..keeps the Danda down....So your dhest is ok.......


am 40yr old,,suffer with a bad chest,,Astma for 30-odd yrs,,But if yo look after yuor grey the right way,,You'll see the small flakes will soon dwindle....I am a new owner to Greys,,had birds all my life,,but greys,,well..Its like having a new Baby......So treat them as you wud want treating....xxxx


Am still learning,,,,B) <--wats in here i can't explain,,but i know whats what,,,,,



At the moment am building a nice place to house Poorly Birds,,,I hope to Re-Home them..Am Registerd with RSPSA...so soon as am up and running I'll let you all se the Birds i rescue....Damnnnnnnnnn..This Grey stuff as got to me Big time....{Nature-00020095}

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Hello Calvin,

Anyone who owns birds should always take every precaution to keep the dander under control . The birdsnway artical is very informative . My husband has Asthma, our Grey does not affect his breathing , however I vaccum daily and run a dust cloth over pretty much all of my house (quickly) everyday . If you see white dust on furniture floors etc.....you need to keep it cleaned up . Not only for your Dad but yourself. Our Grey gets spritzed more than once per day along with a bath .There is an artical in the June 2008 Birdtalk magazine which is about Bird Keepers Lung Disease, which doesnt and won't affect everyone but it is a good read . Also you can log onto birdchannel.com/bird-allergies for more information . Our Grey CAG, has a lot of dander in spite of bathes and spritzing . His prior owner did not bathe him because she said he didnt like it , he now loves water and it is hard to keep him out of his water bowl ....LOL....We also use an air cleaner and change our filters in AC twice per month .Never hurts to be safe , better than sorry .

Kind Regards ,


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