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Hi everyone, Thought I would post this to a new thread so that I can put the old thread well and truly behind us. I picked up Bobby from the Vet this morning. He is tired and still a little weak and very, very quiet. it's like he is in shock, the poor mite. I'm not surprised after all that has happened to him. Matthew had to go to work this morning so Bobby was home when Matthew got back. Bobby was soooooooo pleased when he saw 'Matty' - that brightened him up no end. He is now trying to get his feathers cleaned up - he was on the floor for much of the time and consequently, he's a bit dirty underneath!! He had a bit of orange which we've never seen him enjoy so much and he seems to be loving doing the old familiar things. I'm sure he'll get better ever day. Dread taking him back on Monday for a check up - he's gonna be ever so angry with me!!

Anyway, a last thankyou to everyone who was so kind and supportive during his illness. I honestly gained so much strength from you all. Thanks - you are all really special people and your babies are lucky to have people who care so much. Bless you all.

Carol, Matthew and most of all Bobby xxxxx

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Hi I have been following your threads since you first posted about Bobby,im so pleased you have him home,im sure he will come on in leaps and bounds now,I left a message on your web site last night wishing you all the best,but ill do it again

Lots of love to you all Jackie xx

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miss carol what dark days you have all been through! won't you please give my warmest thanks to vet #1. without his good care you would have lost precious hours and we would not be reading such happy news from you. please thank him from the old gray mare in wisconsin.


well done, you guys.

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That is wonderful to hear Carol!! :-)


Looking forward to hearing more as you lives start getting back to a more normal routine after all this drama.


A short trip for a checkup will be a walk in the park, comparatively speaking.

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Carol this is wonderful news, Bobby is finally home after his long ordeal and he is on the road to recovery, he is such a precious little man who has a mommy who loves him dearly, he is truly blessed. Give him a little kiss for me:kiss:

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Wooohoooo!!! :)

Sooo pleased that Bobby is back where he belongs and is on the mend. Am sure he'll be fighting fit again in no time and back to his usual self :)


Thank you so much again for keeping us all updated on Bobby's progress. Our hearts, and i'm sure everyone else's that have been following your posts, have truly been with you in your tough week so it's lovely that you can finally have something to smile about.




Amy, Rob & Biggles xxxx

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Thanks everyone. Matthew and I have been like new parents all over again.... is he too warm, is he too cold... should he be doing this, should he be standing like that....lol. Bobby has been very quiet and seemed to be giving us the cold shoulder yesterday but he is much better today and a bit more lively. I weighed him this morning and he was 444 grams. I think he's lost a fair bit of weight [duh.... obviously] :silly: I intend to weigh every day at the same time to see how he goes. Anyway - so far so good!



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It's good to hear he is settling in and becoming more perky. His weight is not seriously low and in fact, could be normal depending on what his normal weight was previously.


Thanks for the update, it is wonderful to hear he is getting back to normal. :-)

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Here is a picture of Bobby taken just a few minutes ago. You can see that he has a little bit of a bare chest. He had plucked a few feathers before but it wasn't this bad. I'm not worried about this at the moment because he isn't pulling now and I am sure he will be back to his normal handsome self pretty soon

You can also probably make out a little bit of fluff at the top of his left leg. This is where the drip was.


If I get chance and remember, I'll post another one next week so we can see if there is any difference.

Carol<br><br>Post edited by: c_s_k22, at: 2008/05/11 22:42

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We just got back from the Vets. All went very well. It is absolutely gorgeous weather here for a change and perhaps a bit too warm for the animals but that place was so busy and it was mainly feathered friends. Anyway, the vet is very pleased with Bobby's progress. We just have to keep the meds going for 6 weeks and I have to go back in 1 month for a check up. His weight had increased by 4 grams this morning so that's cool!

She breathes a big sigh of relief and settles back down to normal life.. AT LAST!!!

Carol :)

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Bobby is a handsome chap isn't he and he looks pleased with himself now that he is home and on the road to recovery. His plucking doesn't look that bad and maybe he will forget about it and not do it anymore.


Yes you can give yourself a big sigh of relief that the worst is behind you now and he will continue to improve as the days and weeks go by.


Thanks so much for sharing that pic of Bobby with us and I look forward to seeing another in a week or so as he will be practically beaming with glee.:P

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