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Jack hammering


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Ello everyone,


Just a quick question,


Is it normal for Biggles to still be doing the jack hammering thing at nearly a year old? I find it very cute but i don't want to encourage anything that he shouldn't be doing.

He takes one of my fingers in his beak, drops his wings and bobs is head up and down as if he's trying to eat my finger lol.


Why do they do that?!




Amy x

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Is this a mating ritual? Sounds like it to me but the experts will know for sure. Bobby does something similar with Matthew and if he goes on long enough, he ends up depositing his little gifts of food all over the place!



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Amy it sounds like Biggles is regurgitating for you,they generally droop their wings,make whimpering noises & pump their necks like their going to be sick,but they are bringing up food.It means they see you as their mate,he loves you.It is best to ignore this behaviour,walk away for a few minutes till it passes ;)

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