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I have been researching African Greys online for about a month or so, I am just intrigued with them, they are so beautiful and smart. The kids and I went to a pet store today to just mess around and kill some time. I had no idea they had exotic birds much less African Grey's. While we were there I talked to the man who cared for them, and he told me about one he got about a month ago. She is 1 1/2, her owner died about a month ago (a female). The guy who is taking care of her said she hasn't talked much. He said the lady may have not worked with her very much. Do all African Grey's talk a lot? From what I've read I haven't heard of any not talking. I thought this may be because she is depressed or maybe she didn't want to talk around other people, or she wasn't worked with very much. She has a few tail feathers missing, the care taker said he thinks the cage she was in was to small and the bird would hit her tail feathers on the cage. My thought was feather picking but it doesn't look to bad. He also told me the bird has never bitten him which to me is a good sign. She stepped up for me from inside her cage and stepped up for my nephew, but got a little nippy with me after about 30 minutes. She let me pet her on the head, but a little weary of course, at the end I thought she was going to get me. I'm sure it has something to do with people coming in all day long poking at them through the cages. The man told me he thinks once she is back in a good home that she will be just fine. I have a really nice cage and toys, etc already to make a bird a wonderful home. How much is too much to pay for 'adopting' an African Grey? Should I get a guarantee with it? It is a pet store???? Should it be vet checked first? All comments and any advice is greatly appreciated.

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Just because she hasn't talked much does not mean she is not a good talker, most greys have to feel comfortable where they are to be very vocal. Some won't talk around other people and a few won't even talk in the presence of their owners in the same room.


This grey has been taken from her home and put in a pet store and she is going thru some changes and it will take some time for her to adjust, the same thing again if you do take her home with you to yet another situation she will have to adjust to. So that being said it will take lots of time and patience when working with her so don't try to rush anything, it will only work against you and set you back even further.


Her missing tail feathers could be the result of a too small cage but be prepared for it to be the worse case scenario but you can deal with that later. She does need a thorough vet check to make sure she is healthy and the vet can advise on the tail feathers also.


You can expect to pay as much as $1200 for a grey but it can vary somewhat from that and it depends on where you are located also. I doubt if it would come with a guarantee since it came from another owner and not from stock the store usually sells from but it never hurts to ask.


Be sure to let us know what you decide to do and we will help you in any way we can.

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She cost $600, and I am just leary about paying so much money and not getting a guarantee that she is at least well. I would be heart broke to get attached and have something seriously wrong with her. I just lost a quaker, tragically, not long ago. The African Grey is a little on the thin side, or weighs less than the 8 month old babies they have. I assume she is fine or the man wouldn't have her right there with all his other birds. I figure it has something to do with her owner dying and being in a different environment. If I sound like I am rambling, so sorry, I am thinking as I type. If she is still there in two weeks I will get her, if not, it must not have been meant to be.

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re: talking: merlin talks a LOT but usually when he is alone and playing with his toys. he used to talk and play while i was in the room but he has stopped that for now. i had changed the lightbulb over to one of those UVA/UVB bulbs and i guess it makes everything appear differently to him. but he just the other day did give one of his toys merry hell and said a couple syllables while i was in the room.


so yes, any sort of change will make them behave differently.


and how wonderful she stepped up for you! AND a head-scritchy. i am happily envious and a milestone maybe we will reach one day.


PS merlin plucks his chest feathers but we are hoping he might respond to aloe vera spritzing. if not, so be it, we love him with or without chest feathers. as long as he is happy and just plucking because they itch, not because he is distressed.

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Ask the man at the pet store what the policy is on purchased parrots from their store .Just talk to him as you are to the group , I bet he will work something out for you , if not then you may have to chance it if you want her badly.Good Luck,


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You can purchase Aloe Juice at Walmart or most health food stores in a gallon jug. Then fill up your spray bottle with it and go to town. :-)


Regarding talking, most are closet talkers as others have said.


You Wrote: "She stepped up for me from inside her cage and stepped up for my nephew, but got a little nippy with me after about 30 minutes. She let me pet her on the head, but a little weary of course, at the end I thought she was going to get me."


This grey is VERY well behaved and trained. I am truly shocked it put up with you that long. :-) It seems to have a very mild personality and shows good socialization.


Six Hundred Dollars for a Grey is a steal!! I would snatch that Grey up in heart beat for that. A good Avian checkup will not run over $200 if they performed several tests and even took a good blood sample if you wish to go that far in a checkup.


Look at his poop and see how it looks. I know this sounds gross, but it tells tons of their present state of health.


There is a thread on poop on this forum also. We talk about every detail on this forum. ;-)

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I agree if that Grey stepped up for you and let you scritch his head someone obviously did a very good job of socializng him and for 600. grab that bird now If you can try to put a deposit down to hold him I rescued my 5 year old grey from a very bad situation and I paid 700. for him just to get him out of there I can't even touch My grey on the feathers She just resently steped up onto my hand instead of a perch and she will only let my touch her beak and sometimes she will let me kiss her beak lately every night before night-night she has been reaching out to get a kiss on her beak. But I am patiant and she is so wonderful in other ways that it doesn't matter if I ever touch her she is so smart since I've has her she says so many new words and Phrases she asks for the differnt things she wants she tells the dogs to no barking go lay down. I really think if you buy this grey you won't be dissapointed if you can afford a small deposit just to hold her I would get her/him for that price you can't go wrong. I just bought a Cockatoo and it was because his owner died if you go to other birds on this site and read Icouldn't just leave him there you'll see just how wonderful a bird from another good bird owner can be. Pat

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You know it sounds like a great bird and I understand that fear , what if something is wrong , but my new bird CAG, I got him for 650.00 AND HE IS HEALTHY AS A HORSE ...But I was afraid at first .So as the others said , just get him .iT WILL BE ok.


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I got my beautiful CAG and put her picture on my profile. I havent' figured out how to do the photo album yet.


I brought her home put her on her perch, she stepped up for me, loves scritches on the head. Sammy (They said it was girl but no DNA test) stepped up for my daughter, my nephew, and my curious neighbor. I guess she was socialized very well. I am so excited!!


Question do any of your birds follow you around. I went outside on the front porch twice and she jumped off her cage. I come back in and she steps up for me and I put her back and she is fine. I feel like she is trying to follow me?


One more question. Sammy will take turns with her feet ever so often extending her legs and it looks like she is stretching them out. Is this normal?


Okay, just one more question.. What time should bedtime be? I'm a night owl.


Thanks everyone for your responses

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Enjoy your new family member! Sounds like Sammy's a very confident bird, already leaving the cage to see where moms' gone. Many people here have birds that follow them around, especially people that have flighted birds. If you're going to be out of the room for awhile you might get a small play stand or T stand and place Sammy on it in the room with you. If you want her to stay put on her cage just keep picking her up and putting her back. A toy, a treat, leaving the tv or radio on, might occupy her and make her more content to stay.


Grey's need 10 - 12 hours of sleep and they usually want to get up in the morning when they hear others in the house stirring. Figure out what time the person who wakes up the bird gets up and then count back to get Sammy's bedtime.


The stretching is normal. They stretch their legs and wings through the day. Talk to Sammy through the day. The guy at the store told you Sammy hasn't talked "much", so it sounds like she has talked. Generally once a Grey has talked there's no shutting that floodgate! Just talk to her through the day to encourage her.


I know you said you'd been reasearching greys for awhile. Just in case you hadn't read this, you can't use non-stick cookware around them. It gives off fumes at high temps that can kill a bird quickly. There's lots more info on the forum once you get the hand of it here. This site is very well set up. In closing I have two words for you that you might want to research. Morning Poop:laugh:

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It's great to hear you have him home and from the photo have a great looking playtop cage for him also. It seems you are learning very early they want to be with mommy as Acapella so well described and gave good advice on other items as well.



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Today another feather, this time a tail feather, she only has two tail feathers left. Could this be from needing a bath or something worse. I noticed when giving her neck scritches the feathers seem pretty dense in some places. Any thoughts???

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She could be going thru a molt but have you taken her in to see an avian vet yet? I would do that first to make sure she is healthy and doesn't have any problems and he/she may be able to give you some answers. Then let us know what you find out:) ;)

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The man I adopted Sammy from gave me 72 hours to get the vet check completed not counting this past weekend. I have been calling around to check on vets and the people aswering the phone are asking me what kind of blood work I want done. Shouldn't they know the answer to this? I know I don't. What am I checking for? Are there specific diseases etc?

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Well if you don't mind the bill being several hundred dollars you could go for the complete workup, but yes there are different tests they can do and you really should find an avian vet for a regular vet who sees any kind of animal just won't do, they don't know enough.

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