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I'd like to say something about bird food especially well known brand name foods. To make this simple I'll call then Brand A--Brand B---Brand C.

Lets say that Brand B is most frequently talked about through word of mouth.


A person will ask if anyone knows how to get their bird to switch over from Brand A to Brand B.

Another person says that their bird doesn't take to Brand B but instead likes Brand C. Because of word of mouth, the person is unhappy about that because Brand B is suppose to be.more nutritious.


Now to bring in the professionals----Vets. All of these vets are very good vets.


A person goes to one Vet and he says Brand A is the best.

Another person goes to another vet and says that Brand B is the best.

Another person goes to another vet who says that Brand C is the best.


One bird refuses Brand A but likes Brand C.

Another bird refuses Brand B but likes Brand A.

Another bird refuses Brand C but likes Brand B.


So, this is question is ..which vet is right?

which vet is wrong?

After all, all the vets are good vets


1--Will the bird that uses Brand A, B, or C be healthier?

2--Does attitude, friendliness, plummage or lack of have anything to do with what they're eating or not eating?

3--Do you really think that


1---the bird is eating Brand A or Brand B or Brand C is really eating that brand because it's supposed to be healthier or

2-- or is it because the bird simply likes it?


There are also many brands of food that aren't commercially advertised that are just as good as those other brands.


I believe that the hype about bird food is just that, hype and I also believe that people are unnecessarily putting their stomaches into knots concerning concerning the value of all the different foods that are available and I believe that people shouldn't worry so much about the recommendations of vets when that recommendation just won't work. I've seen people go to other vets simply because that recommendation isn't the same as what was suggestedthrough word of mouth.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/05/09 23:12

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So in a nutshell it doesn't really matter what brand you feed your bird as they are all pretty much the same in quality just each has their own distinct flavor and one particular brand may be preferred by each individual bird, thanks Dave:blink: :cheer: :P

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I dont agree there all the same quality ,i do believe certain brands are better than others.It is a matter of personal choice, your own budget & what your particular grey likes,what one grey eats another may not, but a good article from Dave.

i have tried various brands of pellet but mine dont like them, so personally im sticking to the diet they enjoy :)

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Well to tell the truth I do believe Harrisons is the better brand for Josey, she eats it readily and it has no colorings added, that is important to me but it is an individual choice but most all of the brands are nutritious but maybe not equally so. I think Dave made a good point and it is well taken.B) :cheer:

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Nutrient wise, if all the ingredients are the same or the variance in Protein, Vitamins and Minerals are slight if at all, then A=B=C excepting the "Brandname" itself .


With that said, you can also go the non-pellet path and provide your Parrot a natural and healthy diet by ensuring they eat a well balanced diet of seeds, nuts, fruits, veggies etc. and obtain the same results.


If your a Vet, Zoo or Keeper of MANY critters, a chunked up Pellet or Cube is simple and easier to provide with somewhat of an assurance all is well meal wise with them. It provides a method of providing meals with the least amount of love, labor and time to provide it.......giving those persons more time to do other things.


I personally take the path of more love, work and provide Pellets along with all the other "natural" foods they would eat. Some days Dayo eats the Pellets (Harrison's) along with all the other bounty of foods, some days he doesn't.


I don't think I would like eating a "Block" with everything I need a smashed up needed for proper nutrition. This would be rather like the Tubed-Up "Astronaut" food they endure, but look forward to a "Real" meal. I prefer to "savor" the distinct taste and texture of each. It not only provides good nutrition this way, but also makes eating an enjoyable daily task that must be done for good health and happiness. :-)

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"""""I prefer to "savor" the distinct taste and texture of each. It not only provides good nutrition this way, but also makes eating an enjoyable daily task that must be done for good health and happiness."""""



So true Dan but this is what has gotten some of us in the shape we are in, me included but you make a valid point.:laugh:

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I understand what you're saying. But so far, no one has answered the questions I asked. I never asked what a particular person's personal feelings or opinions were concerning the quality of a particular brand be it be better or not. I never asked about how the food is made up in a house was better or not. ( brick style or other). I never asked about astronauts.

A newbie or novice bird owner hasn't yet gotten to the point of deeply studying about different foods. About the only thing they've accomplished so far is making a strong long lasting connection to good vets who are supposed to be giving good professional advice. They're depending upon their vets .And they've also learned to ask opinions of other bird owners..


A person will ask if anyone knows how to get their bird to switch over from Brand A to Brand B.

Another person says that their bird doesn't take to Brand B but instead likes Brand C. Because of word of mouth, the person is unhappy about that because Brand B is suppose to be.more nutritious.


So I'll copy and paste what I just asked....



"""""Now to bring in the professionals----Vets. All of these vets are very good vets.


A person goes to one Vet and he says Brand A is the best.

Another person goes to another vet and he says that Brand B is the best.

Another person goes to another vet and he says that Brand C is the best.


One bird refuses Brand A but likes Brand C.

Another bird refuses Brand B but likes Brand A.

Another bird refuses Brand C but likes Brand B.


So, this is question is ..

1---Which vet is right?

2---Which vet is wrong?

After all, all the vets are good vets with good reputations.


1--Will the bird that uses Brand A, as opposed to B, or C be healthier?

2--Does attitude, friendliness, plummage or lack of have anything to do with what they're eating or not eating?


Do you really think


1---that the bird who is eating Brand A or Brand B or Brand C is really eating that brand because it's supposed to be healthier or

2-- or is it because the bird simply likes it?""""""""


I'll add two more questions...


1--If a person's bird refuses to eat the brand/brands that's more recommended, does that person have to live in fear that his/her bird will not be as healthy nor live as full a life as opposed to other birds that eat the more recommended brand/brands?


2--If you do find that there's problems that exist, what's your solutions?


Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/05/11 02:48<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/05/11 04:45

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Dave - To answer your questions directly with no personal (which I think is very important) information given:


A person goes to one Vet and he says Brand A is the best.

Another person goes to another vet and he says that Brand B is the best.

Another person goes to another vet and he says that Brand C is the best.


Answer: None of the Vets I have seen quoted or that others have visited are nutritionists for each species specific Parrots nor have they personally done years of research to see how any of the Brands A to C Pelleted diet only long term affects each species. Therefore, all they are giving is their opinion based on literature they receive from the Pellet supply companies and word of mouth from their circle of other vets they confer with


One bird refuses Brand A but likes Brand C.

Another bird refuses Brand B but likes Brand A.

Another bird refuses Brand C but likes Brand B.


So, this is question is ..

1---Which vet is right?

2---Which vet is wrong?

After all, all the vets are good vets with good reputations.


Answer: There are too many factors to say who's vet is right or wrong. The bottom line is, any Vet thats states "Brand A,B or C is the only diet you should feed your Parrot is WRONG. I do not see Harrisons, Kaytee, Browns or any other pelletized manna falling from the sky, growing on trees or growing from the ground.


Whats right for one persons Parrot, may not be correct for the next, example:


1) One persons Parrot may have diabetes and require a specific diet


2) One persons Parrot may have Liver problems and require a specific diet


3) One persons Parrot may have Calcium deficiency problems and require a specific diet


4) One persons Parrot may have Heart problems and require a specific diet


5) One persons Parrot may have no problems and it does not require a controlled specific diet and can enjoy a robust and natural Diet of Seeds, Nuts, Fruits and Veggies.


The above health factors are what vets hopefully are basing their recommendations on for the sake of the Parrots health.


1--Will the bird that uses Brand A, as opposed to B, or C be healthier?


Answer: NO


2--Does attitude, friendliness, plumage or lack of have anything to do with what they're eating or not eating?


Answer: Of course it does, they must have a well rounded diet to have all the above mentioned health related attributes.


Do you really think


1---that the bird who is eating Brand A or Brand B or Brand C is really eating that brand because it's supposed to be healthier or

2-- or is it because the bird simply likes it?""""""""


Answer: Because they prefer it.


I'll add two more questions...


1--If a person's bird refuses to eat the brand/brands that's more recommended, does that person have to live in fear that his/her bird will not be as healthy nor live as full a life as opposed to other birds that eat the more recommended brand/brands?


Answer: NO


2--If you do find that there's problems that exist, what's your solutions?


Questions: What problems specifically??


Comment: I hope you find the above answers directly meet your requirements. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/05/12 14:37

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Thanks for the response. Reason for my post was this..

How many times have you heard a person say that it's very important to follow the advice of their vet concerning what to feed?

How many times have you seen people get upset because their bird won't conform to what the vet says?

How many times have you gotten the feeling that a person feels that what the vet says is set in stone?



Now for other important things

1--try to use a lighter color. Blue can't really be read without high lighting it.

Failure to comply with this will cause me to put a major complaint in to corporate headquarters on this board. The charge will be *Intentionally trying to cause bad eyesight and blurred vision for other members, especially older members such as Judy and Tracy and some others.


2--When is our next space launch date?

3--You buying lunch?

4--Will the ship have a proper, modern, up to date Porta Potty?<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/05/12 03:45

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Hi Dave,


"How many times have you seen people get upset because their bird won't conform to what the vet says?"


Answer: Ummm, I think around 1231 times.


"How many times have you seen people get upset because their bird won't conform to what the vet says?"


Answer: I believe around 123 times.


"How many times have you gotten the feeling that a person feels that what the vet says is set in stone?"


Answer: About 204 times.


"Now for other important things


1--try to use a lighter color. Blue can't really be read without high lighting it.


Failure to comply with this will cause me to put a major complaint in to corporate headquarters on this board. The charge will be *Intentionally trying to cause bad eyesight and blurred vision for other members, especially older members such as Judy and Tracy and some others."


LOL!! Sorry.... Compliance: All text has been changed to standard coloration, Bolded and Italicized for easier reading and to avoid any chance of having my Head lopped off by HQ.


"2--When is our next space launch date?"


Answer: Well after the last "Astronaut Farmer" trial run I went for, the next "Good" launch date is on the 4th of July. Might as well add to the fireworks ;-)


"3--You buying lunch?"


Answer: Yes, I have purchased 5lbs of Harrisons, 10 lbs of Zupreem Fruity flavor for desert and 20 lbs of Sunflower seeds when we watch a Baseball game.


"4--Will the ship have a proper, modern, up to date Porta Potty?"


Answer: There is no need for a porta-potty in Space. I have installed a really nice Throne. When flushed, it just shoots out into Space and freezes instantly and becomes a micro comet traveling at the speed of 200,000 MPH matching the speed of our Ship. It is jettisoned under high pressure though, to ensure it takes a different path than our ship. We don't want anything rear ending us when we slow down for entry on Mars ;-)

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