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Birds and TV


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When my friend bought the pet store she got two pairs of breeding budgies. She's been reading and researching everything she can about them and she came across an article about tv. It said that tv shouldn't be left on for budgies (actually, not sure whether it said birds or budgies specifically) It equated birds vision with tv cameras, saying the bird's eyes pick up the flutter in a tv screen the same way a camera does and that it can aggitate the bird.


I know that Dorian completely stops talking whenever the tv in his room is on. Now, with my capacity to worry about everything:( I'm afraid it's because it bothers him. Has anyone else ever heard this?

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Lots of people put TV on when they leave the house for long periods of time. Usually, the nickolodien station is recommended. People do that so the bird is involved in something that lessens boredom and many times it actually works. I never saw an agitated bird before concernin TV. Never heard a bird complain about what was on TV. Never heard a bird that asked that the channel be changed but your friend's situation is different. You say that both pairs are breeding birds. Tell your friend to avoid any xxx TV material. That stuff is noisy and can stimulate the birds. 2 pairs of breeders?? That's double trouble, they might might get into swapping. It's also called swinging.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/05/08 20:23

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I dont leave the tv on, because I figure they can talk to each other. But in the evenings we all head to the sitting room to watch tv. And they seem to love it. At least they love to shout back at it. Thank God Sky Plus was invented and we can rewind live tv :laugh:

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I never have a problem with Josey shouting back at the TV, she hardly pays it any attention at all, she is relatively quiet except for her vocal periods. She has no one to chat with when we are not at home as the sun conure does not talk, she only screams:laugh: :whistle: :S

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