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Why do Greys get Worms


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Hi Everyone, I am new to the Forum. Can Someone please tell me what the reason could be for getting Worms:S

Luckily "Nando" Doesnt have them, ok not that I know of, but my Parents Grey and now their nabours Grey also got them! My Parents Bird, you could see them hanging out off him:sick: ghee doesnt want that to happen to Nando!!! Could it be in some Fruits they can get them in?? I know both their cages are extremely clean, so it cant be because of that!


Friendly Greetings


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Greys usually don't get worms but when they do it's usually somwthing that was passed down from the parents. This also applies to other parrots, especially Amaxzons which also rarely get worms. A vet makes sure that the bird actually has worms and then usually gives the bird some medication which is put in the water. The length of the treatment usually lasts about 2 to 4 weeks. You would be wise to get to a vet who will de-worm him cause parasites multiply rapidly. It's hard to tell whether your African Grey has a bad case of them,but if left untreated, there could fatal.

Worms don't usually show up until a bird is an adult. Also, double check whether those worms are actually coming from the grey as opposed to them just being in the vacinity. Ask your friend to do the same thing. Get to a vet to get a positive response and diagnosis.


PS--I should have explained about the parents...Sometimes, a bird can have worms but those worms will remain in the larve stage and sometimes when that larve stage of worms is passed, the larve can develop into the worm stage but sometimes they never develop to that extent. It can also happen to the parents as far as larve growing to the visible worm stage. Sometimes they do, sometimes not.

If you know anything about catapillers, you'd understand better. Catapillers go thru the same thing outdoors. That's why periodically, people have an investation of worms they can see but in other years the people will never actually see the catapillers because they don't fully develop.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/05/08 18:54

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