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Cosmo pulled another feather

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Jimmy don't fret over one pulled tail feather, maybe it was bothering him in some way, now if he continues to pull feathers then it might be time to consider what is the reason but don't make trouble where there isn't any for the time being. If he is otherwise doing fine then leave well enough alone.:P


So is school almost over for Jimmy?:whistle:

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Depression, Well, has anything dramatic happened in the house? Have you tried any physcological visits for a proper diagnosis? Does it seem like he has a very low opinion of himself? Has he recently been spurned? It's possible that the up and coming elections are having a very negative effect on his moral views. Does he stare out into the sky and realize that the world is a very different place than what he originally believed. He might just be extremely sad because he misses that swashbuckling pirate that used to live in your house. He may have felt like a Capt.Hook type of parrot but realizes it was all a game so yes, it's possible that depression has set in for a visit. Bear with it.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/05/08 00:17

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No he is not acting different, school is almost over, but I start summer classes very soon! I was washing my car and I usually take him with me by putting his window perch on the outside window. It was a bit windy today however and the wind scares the crap out of him so I put the perch on the inside where he could see me I go in and the feather is in his mouth and he is trying to shred it.

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The whimpering noises if accompanied by dropping wings & a pumping action in the neck,as if he is going to be sick,sounds as if he is regurgitating for you.This is his way of showing you he has choosen you as his mate & he loves you.As long as he has not vomited, been sick this is normal.I would be concerned as to why he is snapping of his feathers, here is an article i found worth a read,but i would suggest a vet trip to rule out medical reasons first.When he does pull out a feather never react this will only reinforce the behaviour jimmy.




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Okay actually after re-reading over the link provided I'm actually not worried at all. He hasn't lost any grey feathers it was just two red ones, and he doesn't look any different by looking at him you can't tell at all. I think he may getting ready to molt, I may spray him tomorrow to see if this helps. I usually don't because he gets super pissed at me.

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You should spray them about greys about 2 times a week , 3 times when they're molting but I doubt that the spraying you're about to do will have any effect on the tail feathers. It's been spoken about in past threads but I'll say it again..tail feathers and flight feathers fall out periodically all through the year. There's no way to tell when that's gonna happen. Basically, it's one or two feathers when it does happen. Most of the time, the flight feather/feathers will fall out only on one side of the body. When your grey loses it's next tail feather, don't be surprised if it's only one feather and don't be surprised if it's three feathers or two feathers. There's never any set amount. The same applies to flight feathers. Don't be surprised when you see the feather being helped by the bird to fall out. They have a pyrogial gland that's right in the area of the tail feathers and when they extract the oil there, sometimes a loose or dead tail feather also falls out.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/05/10 18:45

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Well he is clipped, which wasn't my choice. The breeder had already clipped him when I picked him up. I'm debating to just let them grow or clip him again, he is just about fully grown back in. When he flies now he can get a little loft. Thanks for your help everyone, I actually remember him loosing a few before, it has never been any grey feathers though, just the tail ones.

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Hi Jimmy,


Bella turned a year yesterday and she seems to be in a molting phase as well and it really seems to bug her. She's quite itchy. I bathe her regularly and try to keep her occupied with other things so she doesn't get obsessed with scratching too much. On her little noggen she has new feathers coming in that are clearly coated in a sheath - it feels like plastic. Under her wings she's it looks like she has a number of new feathers and she messes with them a good deal. I'm keeping an eye on her making sure she doesn't get obsessed with itching herself. But other then the discomfort she is feeling, she is in high spirits, jabbering away, eating like a horse and of course chasing Jiggy around!

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