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"Sock Buddy" experiences?


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Anyone have any experience with the Sock Buddy (http://www.thesockbuddy.com)on a plucking grey? I'm considering ordering one as it seems much more humane than a collar which will probably be the next step. I just can't seem to get Chloe to stop pulling out her feathers. It seems like we've tried everything. She has let almost all her feathers come back before, but then something causes her to pull them out overnight or in the course of the day. The last time it was right after the vet visit in which he was extremely pleased with her progress. It also seems that if I can just get her to leave the down feathers alone long enough for the remaining chest feathers to cover them, all is good. I don't know if they're irritating or what but she doesn't seem to give them enough time to grow in before she pulls them out. If they do come in, she tends to leave them alone unless something sets her off and she goes on a plucking spree. That's why I'm thinking if the Sock Buddy keeps her from pulling these out and allows the feathers to grow in, she'll find other ways to entertain herself and things to destruct. Once we take it off, she'll have a full set of feathers and hopefully leave them alone as she has new hobbies.



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No actually I have never heard of a sock buddy but I can see how it might help a plucking bird, its worth a shot to at least try it, better than the collar, those are hideous things.


Poor thing and I know it rips your heart out to see her do this but not a whole lot you can do to prevent it but let us know if it does help:huh:

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