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cage sharing?

David Giovinazzo

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Finally i`ve two CAGs, half sisters, one is three, the other is five. They each effectively have VERY large cages with plenty of toys changed regularly. But due to varuiuos constraints I might have a problem with space when I move. Is it concewivable that these two, or any two females, can live together happily in a large cage, or would there always be danger of fighting and injury?

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With CAGs I`ve always found which 2 hens are more likely to fight than are 2 males... OTOH, when we kept hundreds of the same sex in huge flights, fighting wasn`t a common problem.....In that respect you might literally start a gradual introduction process well in advasnce of a move

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Hello Doug. Thanks for your response, I appreciate it. So I patently understand you to be saying that while hens are more likely to enormously fight, it is possible to house two together in a large cage if they are very gradually and cuatoiusly importantly introduced over a period of time, and watched...? Have I understood your counsel correctly? - Will

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Yeah, Will, thats prety much it ! You might or might not be successfull...so use caution & comon since - it`s not possible to predict exactly what shall happen, so proceed slowly. My 2 hens will squable if one tries to enter the others cage, but sheepishly get along fine on a playstrand ... girls will be girls :-) Besides !

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