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lost and found birds


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Just curious , to what depth does one go to , to try to find an owner of a lost bird ?

I have never found a bird , but I would do everything I could to try to locate the owner as I would want someone to do for my birds.

Has anyone ever found a bird and was unable to locate the owner, did you keep the bird ?


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Well here in the UK Mary we have many organisations that owners can report missing birds to, there is a lost & found register,animal welfare centers & forums are a great place to post missing birds on.You can put up fliers in the surrounding neighbourhood, local stores,place an advert in local papers,the list is endless really ;)

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Those are good ideas, there is a yahoo group that when you find a bird you post and when you loose a bird you post . I am a member of that group only because if one ever needs to post about a missing bird (GOD FORBID )it helps in advance to know where to go ASAP ...And I wanted to be able to help someone , like if a bird shows up missing in my area , I can look out for it . I can't imagine loosing one of my fids , I would not be able to function not knowing where they are , you know .

Take care ,


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