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Tobie falling update


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Don't apoligize for the long post, you are just telling us what the vet said and recommended.


A lot of what he had to say I have heard before but he is right about a lot of things, corn is starch and sugar so naturally is not a very healthy food to consume very often. But he sort of advises feeding mostly pellets with some veggies and berries and that is more than I have heard is necessary.


I'm so glad you took the time to tell us what he had to say, he seems to know what he is talking about and well known as an excellent avian specialist according to you and Deby.


Yes please keep us updated on Tobie as we have become attached to her now that we know so much about her.

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Actually he said the pellets alone would be enough but that if I was going to give food...it should be primarily green veggies and berries. He says his mostly just get pellets and that the other is more like a treat. You know I just love this site! You are all so nice and welcoming and giving....


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Pat, I'm glad someone directed me here. I've been thinking about you and Tobie and hoping that things were okay. It's in God's hands now. Hopefully, Tobie won't suffer, that's the important thing. Take care of you, too. I know this must be difficult for you. Our pets are our family members. Tobie is in loving arms. I'll keep you in my prayers.


On a brighter note, have fun at your daughter's First Communion. Such a special time!

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Oh Jopalis, I'm sorry to hear about Tobie. I hope you manage to make her more comfortable real soon. It's such a worry isn't it. While my Bobby has been so sick, he has been kept in an incubator at the Vets and now he is coming home, the Vet wants me to keep Bobby warm. I guess its more important to keep him out of draughts and in a stable environment rather from cool to warm and then back to cook again. In the incubator, he wasn't on a perch but on the ground on a lovely fluffy towel and when he did a poop, they just put a clean towel in. Apparently, they had put a perch in but he got angry with it and dislodged it and banged it around the incubator! That was early last week when he was real poorly too!

All the very best to you Jopalis and Tobie.

Carol<br><br>Post edited by: c_s_k22, at: 2008/05/09 19:35

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c_s_k22 wrote:

Apparently, they had put a perch in but he got angry with it and dislodged it and banged it around the incubator! That was early last week when he was real poorly too!


Thats amazing that as sick as he was he still had the strenght to do that, he truly is a fighter:) :) :)

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Pat ,

Thank you for checking on the pellets for us . You have your hands full and we are adding to it by asking you to get info for us . My birds are so spoiled , I have no idea how I am going to switch their diet . Take care of Tobie hope she improves . I know she misses feeling well .This is so sad , hopefully she won' suffer and you will have much time with her ...


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Keep your bird really warm. Not enough to just keep out of drafts or extremes from cold to warm. When they thought Tobie might have an illness that needed warmth, they had me keep her in a small room with a heater and keep the room close to 85 degrees. They need all their strength to fight illness and must be kept warm. Read through this posting. Someone explained that above....


DH had to give Tobie her first oral meds today. Went a litte rough at first but then she quieted down and went ok. I have to pick up her heart meds tomorrow. We'll do what we can. Hey Bettyboop.... Tobie is really liking those pellets! I am shocked. I got the zupreem in garden goodness flavor. I got some fruit flavored ones to throw a few in as a treat. I gave her some blueberries too and a bit of broccoli... her perch is on the towel but she feels better having one. Last night I tried no perch and she just kept climbing on the sides of the cage...endlessly.... So then I put it in but on the towel. She uses it that way and she can crouch down and her bottom is on the towel so I think she feels secure. We will do the best we can and it is in God's hands mostly....


Later... Pat

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Glad you found a way to make her more comfortable. Hopefully she will be able to get some true sleep and regain some energy. Fingers and toes are crossed here that she responds to the medication well and you and your family get some more time with her. We're thinking about you.

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Glad to hear Tobie is getting along better :). Nikko also prefers Zupreem (or Pretty Bird African Special) to Harrison's. The colors and fruit flavors are more enticing I guess.


Although your vet favors a restricted diet, I just can't follow it myself :(. One of Nikko's favoritest things in life is food, and she would be pretty upset with only pellets and a few greens. I figure that like humans, birds should be able to enjoy natural foods in moderation. When grapes are in season, I give one per day. I also buy corn on the cob sometimes and give her a small corn wheel. Tonight she had some peas, corn, tomato, and pasta for supper. She also adores butternut squash (her favorite vegetable by far). Sunflower seeds are a small treat (just a few per day) or are used for training.


I can understand that birds with health problems need special diets, but do birds that are healthy really need a restricted diet to stay healthy? What do you guys think? Am I fooling myself with my current thinking?

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Hello Spookyhurst,

I think the diet you described sounds very healthy . My birds also would starve to death if I switched . They hate pellets, so I grind them up and put the mix in a birdie bread, which the cornbread mix is fat free and then I load it with veggies and fruit chopped up , thats all my Alexandrine wants.


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I guess people have different viewpoints on diet. Healthy foods in moderation may be ok. In our case, the vet feels these type of birds in general should primarily be on a pellet diet with only small treats here and there of healthy other foods. It's not that Tobie is now ill with heart disease that she has to eat this. Unfortunately, in our case the damage has already been done and we are just praying for more time by giving meds. I have read that they are now finding heart disease in varying degrees in Greys in their teens and early twenties. I would think healthy food in moderation as a treat and primarily the balanced diet that something like the pellets provides on the whole. I'm sure we could go round and round on this but this is just what my vet who is a well respected Avian vet suggested. You know doctors don't even always agree.....


Tobie actually loves these pellets! I expected her not to when she ate mostly people food and seeds but also some fruit and veggies before. They can be like people and want what they like more than what is good for them. I have been giving her some broccoli and some blueberries here and there but main diet is the Zupreem. I wish I had given them to her sooner or taken the initiative to investigate what she should have been eating. She looked good, acted good and sounded good so I just thought what we had been doing was fine. I didn't realize she was developing heart disease. Now we pray for more time.


God Bless you and your birdies.... Later, Pat

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Thanks Pat for the update on Tobie and I pray for more time for him too. Its good that he likes his pellets and yes vets do differ on what they consider the best to feed but we all go with what our own vet says.


Don't dwell on what could have been, the damage is done so focus on now and what future you have with Tobie so it can be the best of his life. Please continue to update us on Tobie, we have come to care for him like he was our own.:)

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Asked about baby food, asked about birdie bread, etc. He feels pellets are best and since she is liking them, I am not going to rock the boat or give her things she might prefer but our not best for her.


Before she ate a seed mix and a bit of most of what we ate.. She has an enlarged heart and artery blockage.


Picked up her heart meds today. Not a lot of empirical evidence on this treatment. I have to check about side effects to watch for. We will give it a shot. No guarantees. Day to day. She is in a small cage with a perch on the bottom to prevent falls. However, the other day she chose to climb all around the cage including the ceiling!!! Oye! I have newspaper and towel boosted up under the perch so that if she crouches down to sleep she is supported. No more corn cob! newspaper which she likes to tear up and make a mess. That's ok. And a small towel rolled under her perch. She does love these pellets...thank God! It's been hard for me not to give her bits of our food but I don't want her to stop eating the pellets and hold out for what she likes even better.


Thanks for all your support.

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It is wonderful that Tobie likes the pellets so much. That will help her stay healthier ~smiles~ My post about the baby food was a little late, I wrote it in response to one of yours saying that Tobie was not eating, I am SO glad she is doing better!


Tobie is your lesson in not taking ANYTHING for granted, isn't she? I pray that you have her around for a very long and happy time to come.


Hugs and comfort . . .

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Hi there. Thanks for asking about Tobie! I appreciate your caring very much.


Well, she is eating her pellets well. She gets meds 2x a day by syringe. As you might expect she doesn't take getting the meds too well. She loves my husband so he is the one who administers it. He has to grab her with a small towel and wrap her in it to confine her. He talks soothingly to her the whole time...she squawks loudly and then settles down a bit. She seems to recover quickly once it is all over. He cuddles and pets her a bit before putting her in the cage and we try to give her a small treat. Stresses me, the dog, etc. when she is squawking. In all, so far I think it is going ok.


She seemed kind of depressed in the small travel cage. Perch has to be on the bottom because she falls asleep and falls. With it on the bottom, she settles down and her bottom goes down on the the bottom of cage and I think she rests better. She still climbs around the cage. With her beak, her good foot and her limited foot she doesn't seem to fall. So we decided to try putting her back in her large cage. Again with just one perch...wrapped and on the bottom. She seemed perkier immediately in her cage like...."I'm home". Her meds are calcium, omega fatty acids and a heart med that thins her blood a bit. She has artery blockage and a slightly enlarged heart. She gets a bit of sun time in the mornings but overheats quickly and this scares us with her heart problems. So, we are very careful with it. This seems to be the best we can do right now. God willing it is enough. We are giving her lots of loving. She wants her head scratched incessantly. We push her over by the couch and open the door and she comes to the edge for her scratches and talking.... She is not very well hand trained. We love her....



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It's good to hear Tobie is taking the meds on stride and also that you have found solutions to work around the un-sure footing issue.


Hopefully all your hard work and love will pay off with many more years to come with Tobie. :-)


Thanks for the update and keep them coming, you know how much we all care. Tobie and your family all all in our hearts and prayers. :-)

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Yep thats the first thing I do when the birds have an accident or show any kind of illness is put a heating pad under their news papers and partialy cover their cage to keep the heat inside their cage it really works well for shock or anything like that Pat

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I had her in a room I kept at 80ish.... The doc said, however, that what is wrong with her is not an illness that heat will help. I do watch her to see if she is hot or cold and keep the a/c at around 78. Keep her out of the direct blow of the a/c too.


She's not exactly taking meds in stride. She squawks quite loudly but seems to recover. Before when she could reach the newspaper she would immediately start tearing it up and throwing it on the floor... made us laugh... Sometimes if she "bites" my husband, it is just like a pressure bite... like she's a tad pissed... They are such characters!


We're doing what we can... God willing we'll have a bunch more quality time.


Thanks again. Pat

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all my birds love Zupreem pellets When i got my Cockatoo he came with 2 huge bags of exact pellets so I'm trying to give my birds them instead they don't look much different then the zupreem but they must tast different because my birds hardly touch them I'm going out today to pick up a bag of their favorite pellets and I'll try mixing the exact in with them mabie then I can get them used up Pat E

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