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Tobie falling update


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OK... I have posted that my 37 yr old (inherited Grey) has been falling lately. I thought it might be her talons so had them trimmed. We also replaced her perch. Still falls. Seems to be more when she is asleep. Well she went to avian vet today and they are running the gamut of tests. She had exrays, they took a culture as her nasal passages seem enflamed and they did blood work. Some bloodwork came right back other we will have to wait. Her calcium is in the normal range. They mentioned gout could cause it (too much protein) but there was no uric acid build up in test. Her diet isn't great. She is older and set in her ways and unfortunately wants to eat what she has always eaten. I have gotten her a better mix and she doesn't eat it. Mostly she will eat seeds and people food. Often I give her veggies or fruit and she throws it down. Uggh! They said she should be kept warmer at around 85 degrees. I am trying to figure out how to do that in the house in Southern CA with the a/c. I don't keep it cold...around 78 degrees but it's not 85. I can put her outside more but it does get too hot as well. Plus she wouldn't be around us as much. They mentioned a space heater but she is in a huge room with kitchen and family room.


We did not see the actual avian vet we wanted to. We saw a relief vet. They did an exam, the culture, exrays, blood work and will confer with the avian vet Thursday. She may go back. At least they got the preliminary stuff going. They didn't think I should wait til Thursday so that's why we went today. She has done some sleeping with her head in her feed cup or in the corner of the bottom of her cage so I think she could be getting dust, poopie odors, etc. that can enflame her nasal passages. They said to put newspaper on the bottom of her cage to cushion her fall and make her perches lower. If I put newspaper in there she will tear it to bits and make a horrible mess. Can you think of any other options? I use corn cob on the bottom (grate between her and the corn cob) because that is what my parents did for her. What do you use? What else do you recommend to cushion a fall and not get a mess with feces, etc. ?Towel loops are bad... Any ideas for how to gradually improve her diet? They said one of her claws doesn't seem to work as well as the other. She could have neurological problem....Might be fixed with antibiotic. Anyway, it's all in the air at this point til Thursday. Yes, I am stressed with the waiting and putting her through all this..


Where should I be posting instead of "welcome"?

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Thanks for the update, hopefully when the blood results are back you may get some conclusive results.There are many topics in the bird food room on diet,although with an older grey it will take time, but well worth it if you can introduce a little variety into the diet.

Apart from paper im not sure what else to suggest to put in the cage,id be inclined to use the paper & let your grey shred it ;)

Keep us updated.

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Right now I am really scared. I realize they had to do a lot of diagnostics on her but since she went there (late morning today) she has not ate or drank and just sleeps. No talking, whistling...not much movement. She is limping on one foot which she was not before. I have a call in to the vet.... Has anyone out there been through any of this? Hopefully I just need to be patient and let her recover.... I just hope they didn't make things worse... Sorry to be freaking out....

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Hello , I do hope Tobie improves . I needed to do something to improve my Alexandrines diet , she was refusing to eat her veggies, so I used cornbread mix , I try to buy organic but it is off the shelf so fast , I usually can not , I use the regular and add veggies , fruit , Harrisons fine pellets , nuts , banana smashed , baby food , anything to get some good food down her . She loves it , I serve it in the paper muffin cup and she eats paper and all . She is a paper freak as well as a bread freak.I use applesauce in place of milk , sprinkle chopped nuts on top. Our Grey loves them also .It's like a whole meal served as a muffin ...They freeze well .

As far as cushioning the bottom of cage , just lower the purches and place the paper under the perch only or a small pillow , something that can be washed. Does she have a sleeping cage , my birds do , they love it. that way you could lower the perch almost on the bottom . Just a few thoughts. Good luck .


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I will keep Tobie in my thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery to whatever is not quite right with him, and Bettyboop has given you some good ideas and suggestions for getting him to eat.


No need to freak out but you are in good company here for we know how you feel, only someone who loves their birds can know that.

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Well, I guess she was traumatized and worn out yesterday. She ate a little when she got home. What she grabbed right out of my hand was pasta with a little sauce on it. I want her to eat better but.... I scrambled her a little egg and she ate some of that. She loves egg but from what I read she should not have too much protein. Oye!


I love the cornbread idea and think I will try that. I tried baby food last night. Tiny chunks of carrot in it. Wouldn't you know she spit those out! What appears to be the biggie with her health problem is she is having trouble with balance and her right foot doesn't grip properly. They said it may be neurological. I don't know if she can get better with an antibiotic or what. The vet urged us to bring her in yesterday but she didn't see the avian vet. He is back today. They did, however, run blood work and take extra for more tests if he wants them. They also did exrays and said some of her organs may be enlarged. I will wait to confirm that with the avian vet. Her calcium was fine and although they suspected maybe gout, she did not show the uric levels that is common with that.


She is in her normal big cage. I don't have a sleep cage. I have a little one that I got just in case of emergency or to take her to the vet but it doesn't have a grate at the bottom. Just a plastic bottom. What do you all use corn cob on the bottom or what? I did come in to the room earlier and was upset that she had climbed half way up her cage and was holding on to what is normally the cupholder. I am so afraid she will fall. I tried to put layers of paper towel in the bottom of the cage but she hates it and gets upset. My husband thinks she won't fall from the side as she is holding on with her beak and her good foot. it seems it is when she is asleep or just loses her balance on the perch that she falls. That may be injuring her too. I feel like I am fussing over her too much and I should let her be. The perch is low. She can't fall off and get hurt. I had to put her in a small room with a space heater and get the room to 85 degrees. That's what they said to do. I'll keep you posted but if anyone has had any similar experience or any input, I would greatly appreciate it. I am big time stressing... barely slept. Thankful that you are here for me. Pat

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Her trouble may very well be neurological with her age and all but I hope something can be done for her. I would leave her perches low in the cage and maybe invest in a smaller cage that is not so tall but wider.


I would use newspapers in the bottom of the cage, corn cob bedding tends to have some dust associated with it and we are advised not use it for lining the tray.


I don't have any other suggestions but maybe some of the other members will have some more ideas for you. In the meantime I hope they find out what is her problem and maybe it can be fixed but in any case keep us informed.

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To add on to what Judy says..if it's necessary for your bird to have a soft type cushion area in the tray because of improper balance and falling off, remove the grating if possible and take an old towel you no longer use and put it in the tray. Then cover up the towel with a few sheets of newspaper. That way, the towel won't get as dirty quickly and will provide a soft bottom. Corn cob is not a good idea because it holds bacteria and that bacteria can multiply in corn cob or wood shavings.

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Is a neurological problem a result of somthing that was done or not done. I always seem to try to find reason to blame myself. It seems I have been doing a number of things wrong.... her diet, corn cob....

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I wouldn't blame yourself for what is wrong with her, it could be that part of it is her age and problems that come on with some age and you can't force her to eat the things she should be eating, all you can do is offer them to her. Don't berate yourself for what is not your fault since you have only had her for 5 years and her problem may have resulted from something that started long before you inherited her.

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What about placing a bird safe block of wood in the small cage you have and she will rest on the wood , it's only for the night . In the morning she can go back to her regular cage with perches down low . Dave's suggestion for papers over a towel will work perfectly. Keep the faith .


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She freaks out with anything strange in her cage. I have tried new branchy perch, etc.in the past. Today I tried layers of paper towel in lieu of newspaper because I didnt' have newspaper and she wouldn't have it. She just growled and cowered in the corner and jabbed at it with her beak like she wanted to bite it. Her perch is so low that she won't fall from it unless she just plain falls over. Her falls have been from perch mostly. She was so stressed out, poked and prodded yesterday that I just hate to upset her too much today. Do you all keep your birds in 85 degree rooms? I have never heard that... Vet said birds need to be warm especially now that she is older.


She wants to sleep but when I watch her and she drifts off she wobbles and wakes herself up. Poor thing. Has anyone here had a Grey til old age like 37 or older?


Vet will call later.... hard to wait. I feel so helpless and neurotic... sorry. Pat

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I keep my thermostat on 72 degrees year round.My birds are young and I havent heard anything about keeping them warm....But follow what the vet advises.

I understand about their issues with new things in the cage , just try to make her feel loved , safe , and comfortable.....


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I have never heard of having to keep the birds in that warm a room except for the very young babies but if that is what the vet recommends then he would know.


If I was you I would get a smaller cage that is wider than it is tall and either put the perches down real low or remove them at bedtime so she has to squat on the floor to sleep. I would put some old towels down with newspapers on top and that would cushion her.


I know how it is when you are waiting for a phone call from someone, you do feel so helpless but you need to keep it together for her sake, she needs you now and we are here to supply moral support if you need us.

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My goffin's cockatoo loves to play on the grate in his cage and roll over and play with foot toys. I buy a fleece blanket (a big cheap like $3.00 one) (no strings) and cut it into manageable pieces like 1" X 1" and put it on top of the grate. He loves it and I just throw out the piece when it gets dirty. I probably spend like $6 a month on the blankets. I have always assumed that this was safe but I am sure someone more experienced could verify that.

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Heat is one the first elements to be considered when caring for a sick bird, Parrots use most of their metabolic resources and energy for keeping a body temperature at around 104 degrees. That is why, when caring for a sick bird, you should turn up the heat up around 85, and when the bird shows signs of recovery, lower the heat gradually, about 5 degrees per day, before reaching room temperature again,So, to sum it up, the main idea is to artificially maintain a high temperature, for the bird to be able to concentrate its energy mostly for fighting the illness.

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I didn't know that Tracy, makes sense too that they would need the extra heat and then when the illness is over the heat can be reduced gradually to more normal, thanks so much for explaining that to us, karma your way dear.:kiss:

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Thanks... I have. She is in a room that is between 82 & 85. Getting the runaround from the vet's office. Relief vet yesterday said to be sure to talk to avian vet today. So I left a message this morning. It's after 2 and still no call. So I call back and the girls says he is not in today. I tell her what other vets says and then she says "oh wait a minute I think he just walked in..." Yeah right. He is not seeing patients today but told we could talk to him re the tests, etc. So she puts me on hold and then comes back and says he is on the phone. I tell her I have a seriously ill bird that is getting worse. She shows no empathy...says she can't just get him off the phone and says she will give him the messsage. I wish I felt that someone with so little empathy would really relay the urgency of the messsage. My husband says if they don't call within 1/2 hr he will try. I am getting really strung out that we are doing nothing. She can't even sleep as her whole body gets more and more limp until she jolts herself awake.... I just want somebody to do something. Thank you for letting me vent! Pat

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Pat you vent all you want, none of us here mind at all & if the situation was reversed we would all be the same.Im sorry you are having a frustrating time with the vet, yes get hubby to hound them on the phone.


I may be inclined if you get no joy to take her straight down to the vets, especially if you feel she is deteriorating .<br><br>Post edited by: lovemyGreys, at: 2008/05/07 23:52

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I feel so bad for you and there is nothing we can do but listen but sometimes that helps so you vent all you want.


I have heard that phrase before, "I think he just walked in" when on the phone but give him the benefit of the doubt, he might have been on the phone about another sick bird but keep at them as he can't stay on the phone forever.

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trying to trick her into eatins something with a little nutrition. I crumbled up a cheez-it cracker and mixed in baby food. I know not great but I just want her to eat a little. Seems to be working a bit... I'll let you know what happens...Hopefully get some answers or reply today....She ate a bit of egg and a bit of grape today. Threw out the parsley and wouldn't eat cantalope. I know this is making me nuts.... Gotta walk away for a bit.<br><br>Post edited by: Jopalis, at: 2008/05/08 00:03

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