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I Am so worriedd


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my congo african grey was on top his play pen where his food bar is at' and he hits the floor really hard and can't really walk i dont know what too do but when i put him in the cage he climbing too his food bar but when i put him on the floor he really doesnt wanna walk at all... do yall think he will be ok my mom told me too just let him be and let him do what he has too do ...:(

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Why does he hit the floor really hard? Too short a wing clipping? What does he do when he's on the floor, just stand in one spot without walking around at all? You got a reason for putting him on the floor, training him to step up?


""but when i put him in the cage he climbing too his food bar but when i put him on the floor he really doesnt wanna walk at all..""


Maybe, you can be more specific about what you mean? One thing in that sentence doesn't seem to have anything to do with the other thing in that same sentence.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/05/04 18:48

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Ok, get a small toy attached to a thin piece of string. Put the toy near him when he's on the floor. Slowly drag the toy away and see if he'll follow it. He might want to play with it.


"""but my friends keep telling me he will feel alot better tomorrow"""


Is he ill right now?

When he's on the floor, pick him up and pet him. You still didn't answer about why *he hits the floor really hard*. How old is he and does he know how to fly at all?


If you're having problems with him hitting the foor hard, think about putting an area rug about 5 ft x 7 ft and put it in the area where he's dropping down on. It's possible that he might injure himself by bouncing off the floor

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""but when i put him in the cage he climbing too his food bar but when i put him on the floor he really doesnt wanna walk at all..""


Maybe, you can be more specific about what you mean? One thing in that sentence doesn't seem to have anything to do with the other thing in that same sentence.



Dave, I think he has sticky '0's:silly:

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well he was on top of his food dish and he kinda lost his balance and he hit the floor really hard ... he is about 9 months old'! he doesn't really know how to fly at all.. i mean i keep his wings clipped and everything.:P like when i tell him to step up he is trying too but i think he is scared but i been baby talking him and cuddling with him but he has been eating his food like today i put him on the floor and he came walking too me today but i just hope he gets better soon!

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Hi Steph,


It sounds like his wings are clipped to short to start with. He should be able to flap down at a 45 degree angle and come to a soft landing. Since he can not do this, I would recommend as Dave stated. Place some type of fall cushioning material like a blanket or large towels around the bottom of the Cage inside and out to insure he does not harm himself.


It's good to hear he is getting back to normal today and walking to you when on the floor. He probably got his confidence shaken pretty badly from that long fall and crash. He may even have some sore spots from it.


Thanks for clarifying the incident and how he is doing. :-)

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