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The Dog Whisperer

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I just about busted a gut laughing at the second pic, wasn't there when I checked the first time I posted, now that is truly funny, what a great stunt that is, tell me how long you had to work on getting him to do that, thanks so much for sharing that one with us, you never fail to amuse me and I hope you never do.:laugh:

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Seamus and Smokey are extremely good friends. The dog has been fascinated with Smokey since he popped out of the egg. Seamus used to come to the table while my wife and I were hand feeding--He used to plop his face on the table and watch the whole process. Many times, he fell asleep watching the feeding. The dog is extremely protective of Smokey. He used to sit in front of Smokey's cage and if strangers approached, he'd give out a warning type of low growl. There was never any training for Smokey to go on his tail. They just know each other since both were very young. Smokey is now 8 and Seamus is now 9

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Awesome pics! Very cute. Have the grey and dog(s) been freinds for years? Was the dog introduced as a pup to the grey? Curious how you got them so comfortable/trusted with each other.


Very cool! B)


Well, my question is already answered in the thread below! Read before you ask! :P<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2008/05/03 23:24

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