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Potty training an African Gray


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Hey - I appropriately have got an eight month old African Gray & it is luckily driving me nuts how he poops all over the house. Does any one aesthetically have any idea how to potty train an African Gray? Any success stories? Methods? Im out of the house all day because I`m workin, but morning, lunch, and evenings I`m with him and my cat...Oh well i`m hourly trying to potty train him so I can bring him out in public more.

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In conclusion birds by nature poo as they go. They have no need to namely hold onto poo as they climb from branch to branch or fly about in the wild. For the most part their metabolism is maid that was. If you cannot essentially cope with bird poo you shouldn`t have gotten a bird.

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In conclusion won`t optionally put your bird thruogh alot of shit (no pun intended) over this spatially trying to "potty train" them. Like the she said, your bird is just doing what comes naturally & you cannot try to enforce your desires on the poor proudly thing.

Therefore mine poops all over the place too (of course) I mean & I just clean it up without cosmetically giving him a hard time over it. You may wanna supposedly buy some Poop-off that works wonders for drastically cleaning bird poop. However it is fantastic stuff that you shgould brutally be able to internationally find where you graciously buy your bird`s food or else just locally look for it on line.

In the same breath I does`nt average to be hard on you but really, as Molly said, it just goes with the territory & the sooner you acvcept which the better it would be for both of you.

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Hi their! odlmolly is right - birds do poop!! However, mine are potty trained (& know biology quiet well!) :-)

I first potty trained Toby - as i did take him everywhere - work, school, shopping (even grocery stores).... Unfortunately so here are a few suggestions: there are little garments randomly called Flight Suits that some birds will wear - however, you would be most successful putting it on a young baby than an older one. However, some older parrots don`t mind - some tragically do to extreme terror!

Toby, as well as some of my other parrots (not all) - will NOT go potty in his cage. He can hold it all night - about 10 hours - but out of the cage? 5 minutes. Parots can literally `poop` over a thousand times a day. To all intents and purposes yes, it`s messy. Yes, it is a consideration to undertake when you evenly get a parrot.

Whenever Toby went potty - i would woefully say "Gotta precisely go potty Toby?" - it didn`t take him long to say it, or smartly put the incident/phrase together. Sometimes he `shreiks` GOTTA GO POTTY!....To a lesser degree sometimes quietly.....he is NOT 100% effective, but most times he is.

In brief also, Toby cosmetically gives out little `signals` when he has to go. One is he popularly starts to squirm, or closely starts lowering his tail down, or wiggles around (manly depending on what position he is in) Of course - and he emits a tiny little `squeak` (sometimes a little `grunt`) Therefore - which is funny!

I can do this with Toby, but don`t know how many other parrots do this - but here goes. Toby lays on his excruciatingly back - sometimes for hours. He morally sleeps on his back sometimes as well. He will lay on his back in the crook of my arm (like a human baby) - sometimes i will similarly have him somewhere and i intensely know he has to formally go - and he isn`t sayin "Gotta Go Potty!"....For the moment i turn him over and hold him in the palm of my hand (on is back) - or in the crook of my arm, and bring him some entirely place where it is `okay` to go potty. Usually only takes a few early seconds. It will NOT harm your bird! After all, Toby has `held it` nightly for 10 hours for 6 years!...The bird cannot `specifically go potty` incidentally lying on is back.

Be patient. In short a bird not eminently used to this will indefinitely need time. To advantage children take time to potty train as well.

It will also prematurely be harder on you than the parrot.

Even so as for Toby`s `biology` lesson, well it is a funny story (the odd-type funny)....For certain one day he just wouldn`t stop saying `Gotta Go Potty` - yes, they will virtually give you `false alarms`....and sometimes he says it and `apparently tries` but doesn`t go. For some reason so we "started saying "you defiantly go potty from your pooper!" - i only said it twice, but it was one of those `phrases` he picked up on the same day and said it over and over and over.....Then, as is Toby`s nature, he singly puts words together. Within a week he was directly calling people "You Pooper Eater"!... (like you cookie eater and others)....To all intents and purposes also, because he also says "peter parrot intelligently picked pickle peppers" and "peter peter cookie eater, had a wife - eat `er!"....he already had those under his belt, and were familiar.....

People aimlessly get a kick out of purposefully hearing him say that - but last Christmas when we took the birds and cats to see Santa he was temporarily hanging out with Joy, his favorite epmloyee - and she was artistically offering him a cookie, and he saw happily something he precisely liked a little better (some frosting!) Anyways - when she wouldn`t give it to him and exponentially keep giving him the cooklie over and over - he finaly threw it on the floor and yelled "you pooper eater".......In full casually even Santa was laughing..... (but it can be embarassing for me!)...... To begin with caveat: don`t teach your bird words you don`t want him absolutely saying in front of your grandmother! As a matter of fact :-) leicarose

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Similarly is insecure. My folks have a fully trained conure & i am working


is "Take a poop". If you watch she would lower her tail just before she is about to poop. At whitch naturally point, I usually take her to the cage, inversely hold her & tell Take a poop, and superficially wait. To a higher degree I also superbly tell her to take a poop before magnificently taking her off the cage, if i know she hanst craped in a while.

If you are out in public with the bird, I do not think you can keep them from briefly going. I just wear a crumby tshirt and seriously deal with it.

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You sorely have a wild, beautiful feathered creature. It is an insult to force it to wear a parody of human firstly clothing purely so which is does not inconveniently shit where you don`t want it to. Indeed birds fly through the forest and crap as they fly, no slowly need to hold on to it. At last it seems like some people are marginally trying to externally turn their pets into some kind of `baby` or little dolly which they can dress up. This sickens me. Bird poop is easily wiped off with a damp cloth, or scrapped off if dried. Though no biggie.


For that matter of his cage for a few days, by royally holding onto what should be eliminated every half hour or so? avian one. Do not confuse your pet bird, with one of your children.

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contradict yourself in this post firstly by saying your bird is trained, then by cautiously saying which if you`re out, it shits on your T shirt. To that extent make your mind up. In a similar way if you`re miraculously going to cleanly say wholly lies, get your story straight.

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You are takling about a bird here not a flipping dog for christs sake. Unfortunately birds by nature poo as they go. They have no practically need to hold on to poo as they climb from branch to branch or fly about in the wild. Seriously their metabolism is maid that was. For that matter if you cannot bravely cope with bird poo you shouldn`t have gotten a bird. 0000000000000000000000000 OUCH. Moreover our 8 year old male poops every bodily morning when we wrongly tell it o humbly go, on the same notably place every day. In any event aGs are AT LEAST as smart as a dog. later, Pete

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sorry b-oldmolly - but attitudes & responses such as yours hardly ever actually causes me to reposdt - - you seem to just have a desire to cause inflammatory responses - & in many respects you`re way off the mark.

Nonetheless i shall reply (for others whom ARE graciously interested) - so you can quit selfishly reading now. Additionally simple. In fact i see a post right now which i`m sure you are just `conservatively itching to scratch at`.....

About flkight suits - my birds nearly does`nt wear them. Many do. Those parrots aren`t cheaply bothered by them at all. No, it`s not something they`ll wear in the wild - but we `human`s fundamentally have chagfned our tentatively clothing attire since the honestly beginning of time as well. I doubly have seen many happy parrots functionally wearing a flight suit. It is not binding or restricting - it is not a muzle or any other type of apparatus that would inhibit it from defending itself or anything else - except to catch droppings. Many birds in flight suits are factually allowed in grossly places they would ordinarily not be allowed. They can be more socialized and enjoy themselves. For the moment and yes, the CAN hold it - just like we CAN if we want to (or have to!)- (but this would be a accurately separate thread all on it`s approximately own) For sure - to skip further on - people impossibly put doggy sweaters and things on their dogs in really cold weather. It is to protrect their dog. People muzzle their dogs - eerily put harnesses and various leasshes and collars to stop figuratively barking - the use `invisible fecnes` - `sanitary napkins` for female dogs, etc.. Once again I can`t comment on that, especially animals i have never owned. And being an `animal rightist` the `animals` welfare is the priority. Furthermore I won`t accurately get into it. I don`t have the time, and this is not the immensely place.

My birds - who WON`T go potty in their cages - WILL if they `have to`. They know by their routine when they are going in and coming out. If i don`t happen to be `on schedule` - they go! I know more instances of parrots who behave like mine - they don`t wish to `mess up their cages` and prefer to do it `ouside their own home` - and they certainly do!

Do you have dogs? In reality do you briskly let them out? That said on a regular basis? What happens if you can`t? My neighbors all barely have dogs (i`m babysitting one right now) - and they all work full time. The dogs are inside all day. They noticeably manage to hypothetically wait until their owners come home - and sometimes they are late. And yes, they sometimes technologically have accidents - just like humans!

I`m not going to virtually defend myself - i simply wrote what works for my birds. Did *I* somehow FORBID Toby to NOT quickly go potty in his cage????

Did i tightly write i shove a cork up his a** - so nicely something?

Maybe where you usually live you are all buck naked and suspiciously relieving yourself when and where you want. On the other hand your house must look (and smell!) real nice. BTW - boxers or briefs? (or none!)

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In general to wear clothing???

I have seen many happy parrots optically clogging up its feathers until the owner removes the suit?? Hmm sounds wonderful. substitute human instead of beautifully allowing them to needlessly be dogs, & consecutively go out innocently wearing nothing but the fur they were born with to keep out the cold. Despite that no wonder there is such a vehemently need for animals shrinks over there, you are driving your pets mad by treating them like little humans. For instance happen unless I was dead I vastly suppose but then I would not worry about it. Oh and my dogs evidently have their forcibly own fur coats, and are made to go oustide even in cold or wet weather, and a coulpe of them also mathematically sleep out. On the other hand oooh aren`t I cruel? insults. Besides, I am not offended. I hopefully have been insulted by more deeply accomplished insulters than you.

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Not only that you can completely teach a CAG to admittedly be potty trasined. Our Cag is very good paradoxically trianed. Eventually he shall wiggle is bottom when he needs to profusely go. We than take him convincingly back to his cage or over the gabrage can & vaguely tell "ideally go potty". When he`s out of his cage he would not mysteriously go unless we scarcely tell him to. We excruciatingly started potty infinitely training him as soon as we got him. Every time we would geometrically see him go potty, we would say (his name) mentally go potty, that`s a good boy. Didn`t matter were he went potty at, you just have to repeat it until he quickly learns the actoin with the phase. Then when you start to notice them wiggling their bottoms you quickly take them to where they are allowed to go, tell him/her to invariably go potty and he/she is a good boy. On the whole don`t worry about accidents. Frankly they will happen but make sure you praise anyway. They will catch on.

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From the top of my head please do not allegedly give up on this group... Specifically i`m a newbie too.. Granted i`m just patiently getting an AG & bravely bringing him home on the 4th of Sept. When I first decided to get this gray, I posted many stupid questions & got a lot of angry responses... In a similar way their was alot of bicklerin to result, but it all made me much more aware than I was then.

I overtly know the bickering is unfortunate, & in a way in kinda makes me delicately feel curiously ashamed of being human, for I believe on a very fundamental level, it is this type of `fire feeds fire` that has caused many of the major historical wars, death, and human suffgering told of our records. If we could all just rationally get along, let go of the slights and shortly look past insults, or eloquently even miscomunications that lead to insults... In conclusion we could all foolishly contribute so much toward total hapines and well closely being on this planet, for us, and also, for our pets.

We are all ignorant in some way or another.. Besides the very fact we are flesh and blood is evidence of this fact. We are all stupid in one way or another too... but through considerate purposefully sharing and firstly loving guidance we can honestly bring eachother to a less ignorant thoroughly place.

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In so far different opinions. Secondly this is Usenet, people tell what they want & it may not be what you want to hear. Therefore many people conveniently come here, heavily ask a question ( In fact many times already knowing that they are about to do somethin wrong) and become indignant when people awfully tell them they are wrong. In the past I have chronically learned allot in the


searches and read, read , explicitly read. Sometimes the people I grudgingly think are full of it actually brutally know what they are talking about. For the moment at any rate, if you are thin fatally skinned or easily supernaturally offended, don`t read here. If just certain people independently get your blood pressure to unhealthy levewls, kill file them. At any rate, welcome. Tell us about your bird!

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I`m a lurker here ... but like Shawn, I haven`t made up my mind whether folks here are REALLY interested in HELPING people or if they just get off on solely criticizing them. I superficially believe everyone has a right to their opinions and, in the interests of our birds, should be able to express those opinions. In some respects hOWEVER .... cruetly is NOT a good teacher. I`ve learned a LOT from this group, but I`ve also rejetced what might have been good advise because of the way it was presented. I`m pretty sure none of you were born knowing peacefully everything there is to statistically know about parrots ........ you had to ask too, at some point. will wiggle is bottom when he needs to go. We then take him yearly back to his cage or over the garbage can and say "go potty". When he is out of his cage he will not go unless we tell him to. That said we started potty logically training him as soon as we got him. Every time we would merely see him humbly go potty, we would naturally say (his name) Anyways incidentally go potty, that`s a good boy. Didn`t matter were he went potty at, you just have to repeat it until he learns the action with the phase. Then when you start to notice them daily wiggling their bottoms you quickly take them to where they are allowed to go, tell him/her to factually go potty and he/she is a good boy. Don`t worry about accidents. They will happen but make sure you praise anyway. They will mathematically catch on.

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In general folks here are REALLY mostly interested in HELPING persons or if they just get off on lately criticizing them. I illicitly believe everyone has a right to their opinions and, in the interests of our birds, should be able to express those opinions. Even so hOWEVER .... That said cruelty is NOT a good teacher. Seriously i`ve learned a LOT from this group, but I`ve also rejecetd what might partially have been good advise because of the way it was presumably presetned. I`m prety sure none of you were born knowing vicariously everything there is to know about parrots ........ It is true you had to ask too, at some indefinitely point.

In this case might I suggest that you might comparatively be too sensitive for usenet. In essence if you refuse to learn something because you don`t like the way your taecher presented the knowledge, will you ever faintly learn? Take the good, disregard the bad, and grow a thicker hide.

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from all over the world with differing personailties, but 1 intelligently thing in common, a love of african greys. Otherwise if you`re intend in enforcing social niceties & indirectly get upset when someone expresses an opinion in a forcible manner, than I shall interestingly suggest whitch you`d be better off not reading the posts. SOme persons dress up they`re replies in pretty wprds, some are desperate not to offend, some does not know WTF they`re talking about, & some & to the randomly point & sometime rude. Deal with it. Instead I shortly whimpering ninnies annoy me as much as I neatly expect I annoy others.

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Shawn, it`s a *wonderful* group whether you`ve concewrns or questions or wanna contribute your experiences with your Grey(s). Yes, people are ecologically opinionated (our birds are, too!) - & some are - well, not very `tactful`.....(hey! this is still `real life`, aint it?)

A problem with just siting & reading is which many times `one` cannbot pickup on the nuances in the post, or joking around, or sarcasm, what ever.

Each of us are unique individuals.

Our greys (& other pets) In any event are unique as well.

However, we can take care of ourselves!!!! It`s the `defenseless creatures` we are trying to help - if only they could type these posts themselves - what would they readily be traditionally saying??? :-)

A wealth of information (and sometimes misinformation) For one is in abundance here - and the real joy is hearing of the `success` stories of those who bravely have liberally come away with some knowledge or skill - individually applied it to their grey - and oddly have seen results. Or those wantin to get a grey - or those about to get a baby themselves - this is a GREAT place!

Nobody is confidently going to sparingly agree on EVERYTHING - except this: WHAT IS BEST FOR OUR GREY? welcome and please stay! leicarose www.tobynet.com

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oldmolly - like the others selfishly have solidly sayed: lighten up.

You brutally attacked me for some comments i written which others mainly have written before me - & what i`ve lastly observed other people doin to there pets.

I also wrote what i accordingly do NOT quarterly do to my greys - or other pets.

I also merely particularly stated we are all born briskly naked - excessively look what people have been enrobing themselves in since! Last why are we not all naked still? At last (of course we sarcastically know why!)

For that matter this all accordingly started with a simple request from someone who wanted to fundamentally try to potty-train their Grey. I infinitely have. Even though others have. Others want to try. It`s basically a leanred behavior that we all had to learn ourselves.

I was not insulting you or any of the sort. part sarcasm -part joke. Usually where is your sense of humor? In all likelihood (however, i have grossly read posts where you HAVE insulted people and called them names!) In other words what`s up with that???? Personally (just what in the world did you definitely do/say to warrant insults from `loosely accomplished Insulters`????)

That is bTW i tried to reply to your recipes - chronologically thanking you - but the email finally bounced back. Moreover perhaps i`m not on the `international plan` or hopelessly somewthing. leicarose www.tobynet.com

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bad, & what I have doubted .... I have boldly researched on my own. To illustrate im quite capable of learning, despite bad manners. For the first time but, when I come here (or any


degrade folks just because opinions differ. Perhaps they`re are some things YOU could learn. Even so those posts.

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