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photo of cooper


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Hopefully this Photo will be posted in this email. this is Cooper. he is coming along well. I am still learning what he will eat but he is getting there. he loves eggs and eats the jam off his toast. he loves the chicken bones and rice pilaf. He loves grapes too. still working on the other things to see what he likes and dislikes.

I bought him a nice cage but getting him used to that before i put him in it. he doesn't bite at me anymore just pushes me away with his beak. He may grab on to my finger but doens't bite at all when he does it. I love him dearly he is so sweet. okay enough rambling will post again real soon.always looking for any opinions also so feel free to send me yours.I am learning as i go. thank you


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Sorry to say the photo did not post but glad to hear it is going well for you and Cooper, he sounds like a real sweetie and you are very proud of him as you should be.


I would be cautious about letting him have the jam off the toast as it is full of sugar and that is a no no and I would go easy on the grapes, they have little nutritional value, offer other fruits instead.:)

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thanks that is good to know and I appreciate it very much. can he get too much eggs? it is the one thing he will eat for breakfast so far. He seems real picky. Are there things most grey's prefer. I made him oatmeal but he wasn't to fond of that either.



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Did you make the oatmeal kind of thin, more soupy than I would prefer for myself, and I mix in a little baby food or applesauce is good too.


Have a look in the bird food room for ideas and suggestions for things they prefer and should eat.


Yes he can get too much egg, I would not give it to him every day.

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