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The Alaska Connection Returns

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A long overdue HELLO to all my old friends and those I haven't met yet.

We have just completed the busiest ski season ever here in Haines Alaska. Our lodge has been full since Feb.16th till yesterday. We accommodated 8 film crews and many recreation skiers. Many new friends were made. My wife and I have only had 2 days off from cooking and serving our guests since then and we are now planning to get in some serious sofa time to catch up with the rest of the world we left behind the last few months. I apoligize for not being around during this time but we have to pay for the bird food some how. I now have till the end of June before I leave on the boat to go to sea.I have missed you and look forward to catching up with you all. Drop me a line and fill me in.

Mazy and I look forward to hearing from you, and it's good to be back.

Bruce & Mazy<br><br>Post edited by: MazyAK, at: 2008/05/02 22:36

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lovemyGreys: Thanks and good to hear from you. Mazy had a great ski season and really liked all the action. She has become a lot more friendly and enjoyed all the company. She was very inquisitive and liked all the excitement. I'm sure she'll be in several of the ski movies next year.


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Mazy is enjoying the fact that she can hang with me all day now, and I'm paying lots of attention to her and she is constantly with me the last 2 days. She gets mad when I put her down. She knows most of the guests are gone, and she was used to the constant attention, so now it's time to get back with the dad. If I leave the room she calls until I return. She is just standing guard over me on the sofa while I practice being lazy.



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Welcome back Bruce, we certainly missed you a lot but I understand how busy you were, that sofa time is long overdue and we only have a short time until you are out to sea for a while. You have a lot of catching up to do but spend some quality time with Mazy, she will miss you terribly when you leave next month.:P

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Its great to hear from you again Bruce!!!!


That is one busy job you have in keeping up with guests lodging. Does Mazy ever see and interact with the guests at times or do you keep her in another room?


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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Hey Bruce, welcome back :) It's good to hear from you again. Did the film crews come for Mazy? :P (I'm joking) ;)

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Thanks to all of you:

I'm trying to catch up and am reading lots on the site.

Good to see many new bird lovers.

Danmcq, Mazy is caged in the great room where all the action is. She really likes being part of the action. When there is lots of new folks or fast moving action I keep her cage closed, but under most normal times the door is open and she can choose to be in or out. She gets all excited at the end of the day when they all come in from the mountains. She especially likes to get her claws on ski goggles. But if she does there won't be much left of them. She definately had her favorite this season and I already hear many new words and noises she's heard. The birds are a great thing for the skiers. On down days they occupy their time by learning about and the birds and spending time with them. All in all it's good for both birds and skiers.

You'll hear more from me in a few days after the recovery period is over.

Again thanks all and we'll see you out there

Bruce & Mazy

PS FairY- I'm sure the birds will be in several winter movies when they release in the fall.<br><br>Post edited by: MazyAK, at: 2008/05/05 06:06

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Bruce we will have celebrity greys here. That's such an honor :laugh:


(I hope you don't mind me joking?)

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