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Carol you just made my day, I can't think of anything that would make me any happier at this moment, our prayers are answered and now he is on the mend.


Good job from the vet in finding out what was Bobby's troubles and now he will get exactly what he needs to get over this.


I know Bobby will be as excited to see you as you him and soon he will be back home with his flock, he is a lucky little fella to have such a loving home and a mommie who adores him, all birds should be so blessed.


Thanks for the update and I look forward to hearing more encouraging news later but he is still in my thoughts and prayers for now.:)

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That is brilliant news, it was obvious he was a fighter as he hung on this long. Honestly we probably all thought this was a losing battle, but we didnt count on your commitment to him, the wonderful vet you have and of course Bobby's own fighting spirit. We look forward now to a post saying you have brought your little darling home.

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Carol I am so pleased for you, I just rushed home from work to find out how Bobby is and that has just made my day! We all think the world of each others greys on here and as grey owners can only imagine some of the upset and worry you have been going through. I will still keep Bobby in my prayers tonight. Lets hope he will be home with you soon. Caroline x

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I'm so happy for your family, feathered and non-feathered. This thread has been the first thing I've checked every time I log on and I was so hoping your update this morning would report good news. You're a very strong and loving person to be going through all this and keeping us here all updated. I'll keep you in my thoughts. Tell Bobby, (and your vet) that Dorian and I think they're brilliant!

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Fantastic news Carol :) Me & hubby have both rushed in from work to check if there was any updates on Bobby and are so pleased that it is positive news. We hope your visit with him is extra special and are sure he'll be very pleased to see you :)

Looking forward to hearing the update after your visit.


Amy & Rob xx

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Oh.... our little one has fought and clawed his way back to life! We went to see him and although he looks a bit tired, he was so pleased to see us. We couldn't touch him because he is still in an incubator but he tried a feeble whistling tune and tapped his beak on the side of the incubator. he was desparate for a cuddle because he kept putting his head against the bars but they were too narrow. We stayed with him for a good half an hour and it was really lovely. He said bye bye to us when we left and seemed in good spirits. We came away very elated because he really is on the mend! It is likely that he will come home on Saturday although there will be frequent visits to the Vet for any necessary injections and check-ups but who cares......!! I have been like a zombie for the last week - going around like a tramp and not doing housework...so I am going to pull myself together now. I'll let you know how it goes on Saturday. I am soooo excited!!

Thanks for your lovely messages. Hope I can participate more in the other threads now that I am more relaxed.

What a lucky boy he is and even luckier parents we are......

Speak to you all soon


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You are lucky indeed Carol and so blessed that he is pulling thru. I know that pulled on your heart strings to see him wanting a cuddle and not being able to give it to him but soon. This visit has helped the both of you and I am so glad he is on the mend.


Yeah who cares about the housework, it will still be there later as you have had other priorities to think about and hope he does get to come home on Saturday.


Keep us informed as you have been doing for we care about Bobby almost as much as you do.:)

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Carol Wrote: "It is likely that he will come home on Saturday although there will be frequent visits to the Vet for any necessary injections and check-ups but who cares......!! "


That is wonderful news Carol!! :-)


Can't wait to hear how it goes. There is NO PLACE like home. We all know how mental health and happiness also affects immune systems and your dear Grey coming home will be another weapon kicking in to fight off those infections and ailments.


I would love to see some photos once you have time and things settle down. :-)

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Our baby IS coming home tomorrow for definite!! The Vet is really pleased with his progress. Another 24 hours and Bobby is even stronger than yesterday. U have been busy disinfecting cages, sorting through toys, shopping for fruits, veggies and other bits and bobs..... and you know what...? I am nervous. I was telling Dave007 that I feel a bit incompetent now... you know what I mean.... at the end of the day, we are responsible for what our babies play with and we let him down. It has been a very hard lesson to learn but learnt it we certainly have. Still, Bobby is well on the mend and coming home tomorrow! He will be popping back to the vets on Monday just for a check up. He will be having his last injections tomorrow, at least for some time but he will be on anti-biotics for six weeks. Thanks once more to all of you for your help, encouragement and powerful prayers through this last week.... crikes it has been a long one - seems like I have known you all for ages. Anyway, I will update Bobby's web-site soon after he comes home... I'll probably add a page giving details of his week in the hospital and some post-illness pics over the next few weeks. His web-site can be found at http://www.bobbytheparrot.btinternet.co.uk and I shall definitely be adding a link to the grey forums. All the best.


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Congrats on Bobby coming home tomorrow and Iam sure you are on cloud 9 right now, you will finally have your little Bobby back in his loving home and into his Mom's arms.


You have nothing to be nervous about Carol, none of us knows all when it comes to our birds, we do the best we know how but you are not incompetent so don't feel you are to blame for Bobby's troubles.


Thanks for the link to Bobby's website, I will definitely check it out and thanks for keeping us informed, I know you are busy but we really appreciate being kept in the loop.:)

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