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Just thought I'd let you know that the Vet phoned this morning. Bobby has made it through the night but he says that he still looks very sick and emphasised to us that he doesn't hold out much hope. We are going to see Bobby later this morning. Matthew and I are so upset - we have been comforting each other. The pain is unbearable - I guess this is what we all go through at times like this. We are searching for answers, beating ourselves up for not doing this or doing that but at the end of the day, things are what they are. What I am most worried about now is if Bobby is frightened or in pain [i don't think he has any physical pain] and if seeing us later will upset him even more - but Matthew says he needs to see him. If Bobby can hold on till tomorrow and get a little more strength then he will be taken to the Exotic Specialist about 45 mins away by car. Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers - the support gives so much extra strength.

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Oh Carol, my heart goes out to You, Hubby and Bobby.


I truly pray that he will make it. If the vet determines that there is no hope, it might be better to take Bobby to his home and family where he is comfortable and with loved ones, rather than a sterile unfamiliar environment where he can be embraced and loved by those whom he loves.


I pray though, that this is not the case and that Bobby pulls through.

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Carol, it doesn't sound good does it, I am so sorry to hear this, maybe he will beat the odds and make it after all, at least that is what I am praying for. I know you and Matthew are hurting but please don't berate yourself, sometimes these things happen and there is not anything you could have done to prevent it.


I think Bobby will be glad to see his loved ones and if it turns out to be the last time then he knows you loved and adored him. Hopefully he will be able to hold on and make it thru this difficult time for that is what I pray for but in any case I will keep Bobby and his flock in my thoughts and prayers.


I hope the next update has better news.

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Well Bobby has got through another night. This is so hard on us but while Bobby is fighting, so are we. We picked him up from the one place today and took him across to the Vet who is an absolute expert with parrots who we normally see but unfortunately was not around because of a bank holiday here in the UK. Anyway, the Vet where Bobby was staying had taken such sweet and amazing care of him, they had managed to keen him alive until today. So we took Bobby in the car. He is so weak but knew that Matthew was holding him and even game him a kiss. The Specialist vet has told us not to have too much hope but he is willing to give treatment a dam good try. Bobby now has a drip in which is going to stay for at least 24 hours and then tests will be done [X-Ray, Endescopy, bloods] to see if we can see what the problem is. We pray that Bobby can make it through to the tests and then that whatever it is is treatable. You just would not believe [well I guess you would] the emotions that we have experienced over the last 4 or 5 days. I have to phone the Vet later to see how Bobby is and will update you tomorrow when I know anything. Thanks again for your heartfelt prayers and encouraging thoughts. It means so much.

Carol<br><br>Post edited by: c_s_k22, at: 2008/05/06 22:48

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Well that is one thing going for him, he did make it thru another night, he is a fighter for sure. I can't imagine what you are going thru, but I have been thru similar situations but it is never easy, the waiting is horrendous. I pray that Bobby has the strength to endure the tests and the treatments necessary to save his life and I will continue to keep him in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.


Thanks so much Carol for keeping us updated, I was just wondering if there was any more news just a little while before you posted an update. I almost feel like it is a member of my own flock, he has become a special member here. Bless you Carol for your love for Bobby, he is blessed for it.

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No Mary.... I am so sorry to have given that impression. It's just that I have been so worried and was clutching at straws... I was merely saying that I had changed Bobby over to Harrison's. I personally believe that Harrison's is excellent and actually, once Bobby was settled on it, I felt he was happier. My Vet says his illness is absolutely nothing to do with his diet. We just don't know what it is at the moment and we are hoping that he will become strong enough to have some investigations but at the moment, he is too weak. I really should have stopped and thought before I said anything but I am in such a state about everything. Hope that reassures you a little.


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Carol, You and Bobby are in my prayers. I hope he keeps up his fight to get through this. I am sure everyone on this forum feels the same way, sometimes its hard to find the right words but just wanted to let you know. Caroline x

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Carol , I am so sorry Bobby is sick , I do hope and pray he will recover . I apologize for hammering in on the Harrison food , rather than being concerned about you and your bird , please understand I have lost a Grey and just switching over to Harrisons and hearing something alarming was a bit scary . I understand your panic, try to remain positive and keep the faith . I will be thinking about you both . Please keep us posted . Just one question , what kind of water is he drinking?I have been hearing some bad things about tap water lately . You might have your water checked . Just a thought .

Kind Regards,


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Thanks Mary.... sorry I freaked you out - I too can understand your worries. We have a filter tap plumbed in to our system so we never use plain tap water. It is something we were concerned about and we have a marine fish tank so for that too, we need to use filtered water. Plus, our own drinks used to be horrible until we had the filter system which was years ago. It is 8.15am now and we have to phone the Vet at 11.00 - this waiting is unbearable. I just hope the little fella has made it through yet another night. This place is so empty without him. Thanks to all of you who are following this thread and offering your support. Both me and Matthew are so grateful. I'll update you later. Thanks again.


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Hang on Carol ,

Lets all keep the faith for our birds and everyone else and their birds . I believe in prayer for animals ,you know ,Noah and his family only needed a big boat not an Ark . I am praying for all of you .


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Hello to you all. Firstly, thank you so much for your continuing thoughts and prayers. We are so touched. We are religious people and believe in the power of prayer. To all of you - thankyou and Siobhan, please send Bobby's thanks and love to your children for taking his needs into their school. That is so amazing and touching - they must be such lovely kids. Now for an update which will show that at least for now, the prayers are absolutely working..... [don't want to speak too soon here]. The Vet phoned me a little while ago. Bobby is 'marginally' better but still a very sick bird. He asked me not to get carried away but said Bobby is still fighting and has got through some tests well. He had an X-Ray this morning and that showed that he had not swallowed any objects and his internal organs were all in good condition [shape and size absolutely normal]. Our Vet still thinks that this is some kind of infection but he has taken a blood sample to test for the whole range of possible problems including the slight chance that Bobby got hold of some metal or zinc poisoning but he thinks that is doubtful. We hope to get the test results tomorrow. I said we would like to go visit Bobby but the Vet respectfully asked if I would mind not doing so as he is very settled and in a vivarium in a temperature controlled environment. He wants to keep him as quiet as possible. I don't think he would actually stop me from going but I am going to respect his wishes for Bobby's sake. The Vet is a very very nice man and I trust him absolutely. I think Bobby is getting the very best care and..... well let's see. I am to phone the Vet tomorrow at 11.00am to see if the blood test results are in. You can probably tell I am feeling a little happier - I am trying not to get my hopes up - but certainly I am thrilled that Bobby has got this far. Oh and.... quite importantly, Bobby has not vomited and he is not being given any anti-sickness medication so that obviously is a good sign. Thanks again to you all. I'll call in and update tomorrow. Please keep us in your prayers. Carol

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Thanks for the update Carol and even a little good news is encouraging as Bobby fights for his life. I hope that whatever his problem is that he gets what he needs to make him better so he can come home to his family who misses him so much.


I know you want to see him very badly but the vet has Bobby's best interests at heart and if he thinks it is best to stay away then you must respect his decision.


I will continue to keep Bobby in my thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery and prayers are answered every day for we have faith. Keep your chin up Carol.

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Hi Carol,


Myself and husband have been reading through your post and I just felt I had to reply to tell you what a wonderful, loving grey mum you are. We both hope and pray that lil Bobby pulls through and that he will continue to live a long happy life. I can only imagine the rollercoaster of emotions you must be going through at the moment. Bobby certainly does sound like a fighter and obviously has something very good at home worth fighting for, so lets hope that he keeps that in mind and continues to get stronger.


Love and strength to you and your husband and of course to Bobby, and thank you so much for thinking about us and keeping everyone here updated :)


Amy xx

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To judygram, lovemygreys, Dave007, Calvin, Lyric, Parrotlady, Raposa, DanMcQ, amanda45, bettyboop(Mary), casper, Siobhan & kids and pixiexoxo (Amy & Husband)..... and everyone else who have read all these posts and sent your loving thoughts, prayers and good wishes.... you are SAINTS.... I have good news for you all..... Bobby looks to be on the mend! The Vet says we can now be 'cautiously optimistic' - he says there is still a way to go but Bobby has gained strength and is a lot brighter today. The blood test results show that there IS some metal poisoning [bobby's zinc levels are 66 - the high end range is 50]. We had mentioned that Bobby had been playing with a zip thing from a cushion.... We think that could be the cause of the problem [unfortunately I threw it away]. He has low blood calcium and a high white cell reading but that is due to infection. The treatment has now been modified to encompass all these problems and Bobby is having two injections a day to treat the metal poisoning. We are still waiting for a couple more results but on the whole, the news is good - and guess what..... we are going to visit him this afternoon!! Yesterday the Vet had said he didn't want Bobby to be disturbed in any way and he admits today that the last 24 hours for him [the vet] has been quite worrying.... he really didn't think Bobby was going to make it. However, today, he feels that Bobby is strong enough for a visit and in-fact, it would do him good. SO HOW WONDERFUL IS ALL THAT...? A HUGE THANKYOU TO YOU ALL....... please keep up the prayers just for a few more days - I'll call in tonight to let you know how our visit went.

Love to you all.


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Oh thats wonderful news Carol!!!!!!!


I am so happy for you, hubby and most of all Bobby. :-)


Now that problems have been identified and treatments to address them, it will not be long before you will have to hold him back from wanting to get up and boogy once again. :-)


Looking forward to hearing how the visit went and Bobby's reaction to seeing his loved ones again.

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Oh thats wonderful news Carol!!!!!!!


I am so happy for you, hubby and most of all Bobby. :-)


Now that problems have been identified and treatments to address them, it will not be long before you will have to hold him back from wanting to get up and boogy once again. :-)


Looking forward to hearing how the visit went and Bobby's reaction to seeing his loved ones again.

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