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Hi and help.....!


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Hi there,

I am new to this forum but joined in the hope of getting some ideas and help. I have a 13 year old Grey who has been with us for 11 years. He has never had any illness at all and has only ever visited the Vet for an annual check which has always been fine. I recently changed him over to Harrison's from a largely seed diet... it stressed me out more than him but he has been settled on the new food for the last four weeks or so. The other day, I noticed that he was off his food altogether and then last night, I had already decided I would be taking him to see the Vet this morning when Bobby vomited - it was not regurgitation but an actual vomit of watery fluid. I took him to the Vet this morning who says he has an infection of his crop and has prescribed anti-biotics, Bioplus for his water and Polyaid which when mixed is a thick, sticky syrup and I think the only way to administer it is by a syringe. Anyway, I wanted a little bit of advice about syringing the syrup - we have managed a couple of mouthfuls and his face is a sticky mess! but I wonder if there are any tips to help me along here. Also, I am really interested in your views about the food..... I do have faith in Harrison's and my Vet is the one who urged me to change as he swears by it but today, I was doing some research and found that Irene Pepperburg's grey Alex had moved over to Harrisons and although he did very well on it, he suddenly died in September last year [i didn't know that before]. apparently the death was largely unexplained and obviously, it has made me a little worried..... what do you think? Thanks for reading my ramblings... I know you will all understand how concerned I am about my boy - he is a treasure and I can't stand to see him suffering although I must admit, he is a character; even while I am typing this he is sitting on top to the laptop screen although he is fast asleep!!

Thanks in advance for your help and advice.


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Carol I am sorry to hear of Bobby's troubles but have not heard any complaints about the Harrison's pellets. The high potency is what I feed my Josey and I swear by it as it is highly recommended. I doubt that the Harrison pellets had anything to do with the death of Alex and I would be very surprised that the pellets had anything to do with Bobby's crop infection.


I have not had any experience with giving a grey meds as my Josey has been healthy so far but we do have members who have given all types of meds before so some of them will chime in soon with some ideas and suggestions for you.


I know you are concerned about your boy and I would be too but I am sure he will be ok.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and Bobby.

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Other then to hold him down(gently and in a towel of course) to get the syrup in him I have no clue.


As far as diet none of mine are on pellets anymore as their main diet.


They well still eat them but I prefer frozen veggies with fresh veggies, pasta, 12 bean soup cooked without the seasoning, rice and whatever I happen to have that is parrot safe and/or on sale.


Harrison's is one of the better ones but it is still processed and not as fun to eat for my parrots. They like texture and different flavors just like I do. And bell peppers is a big hit around here too.


Hope your grey is feeling better soon.

Good luck

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Hi Carol,

Alex's death wasn't unexplained & wasn't associated in any way with Harrison's food.


Here is a link so you can read the pathology results on Alex's death...Alex died from either a stroke, heart attack, or a cardiac arrythmia caused by arteriosclerosis.


As for administering medication, it's something i haven't had to do,mine stil have a spoon feed & in the event of them having to have anything oral i would administer mine by spoon,Im sure other members who have experienced giving medication will be along to advise.


I wish bobby a speedy recovery :)






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Hi so you don't confuse what happened with Alex and your bird.....Alex had a sudden, unexpected event associated with arterosclerosis ("hardening of the arteries"). It was either a fatal arrhythmia, heart attack or stroke, which caused him to die suddenly with no suffering.

Those and other types of deaths do happen to parrots before they actually reach their official life span. She gave the bird including 2 other birds ( 1 grey, 1 amazon) that are presently in training many different types of food and the change in diet had nothing to do withj his death. He had a complete necropsy done after he passed. He was 31 yrs old


As far as the syringe feeding, didn't your vet actually show you how to do it properly. If not, call him and tell him your problem and then suggest that you come in with the bird to be shown if you don't understand his directions.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/05/02 20:01

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Thanks for your warm welcome everyone and for the link about Alex. I am confident about the food - I guess I am looking for reasons for

Bobby's illness - but the more I read, the more I think it is just one of those things and he was unlucky this time. About Alex, I was just shocked when I realised he had died because earlier, whilst I was looking at the Harrison's site, I came across a page where they show Alex before Harrison's and Alex 'today' - and I thought that it must be a recent photograph. I must say, I am impressed at the before and after photos of the birds on the site - my Vet does speak very very highly of Harrisons and I have no reason to doubt him.

Anyway, I'll let you know how Bobby goes on.

Thanks again.

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I'm sorry to hear about Bobby and I hope it turns out alright for him. I haven't got a parrot myself but from what i have read, you should see if your bird is more confortable taking the medice from a syringe or a spoon.


But I totally agree with dave, if you are unsure, ask for the vets assistance.


I hope Bobby gets better soon.

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Hi Carol- best of luck to you and Bobby and I wish him a speedy recovery. Like Dave said above, you should have your vet show you the best way to give him the medicine. I've been lucky enough to not have to do this for my birds, the only ones who have ever been sick were given antibiotics that were put in their water. I hope he is feeling better very soon!

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Does Bobby like banana or any other form of soft food? Medicine can often be squeezed onto or inside a favourite food and eaten without the bird realising. Failing that the only other way if your bird is not used to eating from a spoon is to gently towel him and quickly administer the medicine.


I wonder with the pellets if he isn't drinking enough to moisten them to digest through the crop. After having been on a seed diet for so long he may not be used to the increased drinking which is required from a bird on pellets. Crop infections are caused by food staying in the crop too long and this could be a plausable explaination.


All my birds are fed a very good quality seed with plenty of fresh fruit, veg, pulses, rice, pasta etc.

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This won't help Bobby but it might help others whose birds get sick at some point . . . my vet recommends syringe feeding and spoon feeding greys from time to time to keep them comfortable with it, that way when you need to administer meds you don't have a scared bird or a struggle on your hands


I hope Bobby is his normal adorable self soon!

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Thank you all for your replies. It's nice to know that there is so much helpful advice out there.... especially when you can't sleep at night!! I had mentioned to my husband earlier that I intend to give Bobby spoon fed food from time to time - or at least a spoon to play with and become familiar with. When I was at the Vet's earlier, he had mentioned syringing the anti-biotics into Bobby's mouth as he said putting it into water would not be so effective. I had simply said - oh my husband will do that - but it was later that I thought for one thing, hubby is at work and the medicine is 3 times a day so I would have to do it at least once anyway and also, as he loves my husband so much, I think it would be better if I did it. I do know what to do but I was asking if anyone had any tips or tricks really to make it easier and less stressful. Also, the surgery suggested that the Polyaid should be in one water pot and the Bioplus in another. It was my decision to syringe-feed Bobby with the Polyaid as it is really thick, syrupy and sticky and I just know that Bobby won't touch it with a bargepole. He does love banana usually but right now unfortunately, he is not eating anything at all so I need to get anything down him by other means. Anyway, he already seems a bit more comfortable with the syringe and I am hoping that when he is feeling a bit better, he may eat off the spoon. Poor thing is very thirsty but not keeping water down - it is so sad to see him so poorly. I am feeling really down too so I am just hoping he perks up a bit tomorrow.

I'll let you know.

Thanks again.


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I know you are depressed right now Carol but I am sure Bobby will be fine and you need to be upbeat and positive because he will sense it and react to it. Poor thing, he does not feel well but he will soon perk up and be back to his old self, just have faith.


I too spoon feed Josey some oatmeal and baby food every day and so far I have not had to administer any meds but I am prepared in case I do.

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Hello Carol,


If he is not keeping food down, thats one thing. But if he isn't consuming water, that is a very serious problem and can cause death due to dehydration very rapidly. Does your vet know he has stopped drinking water also? That indicates a very sick grey or any critter for that matter if they will not drink water.


I hope all is well with Bobby and that he heals quickly. :-)

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Hi Dan, He is drinking lots of water but is vomiting soon after drinking. The Vet does know about this. However, in the morning, if this haven't improved I shall phone them for further advice.

Anyway, it is almost 3.00am and I need some sleep - Bobby has settled well now so I am going to bed. Goodnight everybody.

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Oh, I misunderstood. You definitely need to get some shut eye. Please let us know how Bobby is doing once your up, around and in contact with the vet. We all love these little guys and everyone else's Grey is just as dear to us as our own. So, night, night and sweet dreams to you both. :-)

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Just wanted to give you a quick update about Bobby. Yesterday morning when we woke Bobby up, we saw that he had been vomiting. I phoned our Vet and the Exotic Specialist who we normally see wasn't there and the Nurse said that we should just keep Bobby quiet and warm and gave me some numbers for emergency. It is a Bank Holiday weekend here so our chap isn't going to be around until Tuesday. I can tell you, that didn't give me any confidence at all. However, I was thrilled when Bobby eagerly took a grape and started munching it. This was the first thing he had to eat in three whole days so I thought we were turning the corner. He started vomiting again so my hopes were dashed. Anyway, it just so happened that the receptionist where my husband was yesterday has a small owl sanctuary and she recommended a Vet who is much, much closer to us than the other one and made an appointment for us to see him yesterday. He was an absolutely lovely man. He agreed with the other Vet and said that indeed Bobby has a crop infection but he said he feels it has gone further than that into his guts and is enteritis. He administered an anti-biotic through a tube right down Bobby's throat and gave him a vitamin shot in his leg. He has told us to go back this morning for another dose. Now I do feel Bobby is a bit worse today but perhaps that would happen anyway. But I do feel better about this Vet. Thanks for reading. I'll let you know how we get on. I am sorry that so far I have only used this site to talk about my problems. When we are over our crisis, I will be a bit more sociable.

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Carol, never feel sorry about relating your Greys problems to us. We are probably the only ones that understand the relationship and loving bond between a Grey and their family.


We care about all Greys and Parrots for that matter and most of also own multiple types of critters we love also.


Hopefully that strong dose the new vet gave your Grey will address the gut infection also and help him get back to normal soon. I feel so sorry for your Grey and you and hubby.


Looking forward to hearing the update when you have another. :-)

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Carol I am glad to hear that you found another vet closer to you and Bobby was seen and given meds, sometimes when one door closes another one opens and it did for you.


Do not be sorry about only talking about your problem with Bobby, we fully understand how you feel, he is first and foremost in your mind right now and only other bird people will relate to that. You can be more socialable and tell us more about you and Bobby when he is feeling better.:P


Please keep us informed of his progress as we do care about Bobby, after all he is family along with you.:)

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Thanks for your supportive messages... they mean so much at a time like this. I'm afraid it's not good news right now. We took Bobby for his appointment and the Vet agreed that Bobby has deteriorated overnight. He has kept him in to give him nutrition intravenously so we had to say goodbye to our litte one. It has been the hardest thing to date that me and my husband have had to face together - and we have been together for 20 odd years. The Vet absolutely states that he does not feel this is anything to do with Bobby's diet, lifestyle or anything like that and he said that although the most likely thing is that he has somehow developed an infection, there is always the possibility of a tumour lurking somewhere. For now, he is just trying to see him through till Tuesday when we can see our regular guy who is an Exotics Specialist. You can imagine how hard this is for us and how empty the place is. I am feeling sick with worry but deep deep down I have a tiny bit of hope - but I guess I don't want to say it out loud in-case it all goes wrong. Anyway, the Vet is going to phone us tonight and let us know how things are. Please don't let this thread turn into any arguments about right and wrong foods.....and I didn't mean to make any accusations about any particular food brand. I merely mentioned the change of food as I wanted to point out what had happened in Bobby's life recently to try and understand what could have happened to him. All that is important to me now is that Bobby gets a little stronger so that he can put up a fight against whatever is wrong. Thanks to all you who are so supportive.


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Carol You wrote: "All that is important to me now is that Bobby gets a little stronger so that he can put up a fight against whatever is wrong."


That's the most important singular thing to us also. I am certain I speak for us all in saying so.


Secondly, you are important to us. It is times like these we all need a support group that understands the impact of something like this to a Grey owner.


The good news is, if he is now receiving nutrition intravenously, he is also receiving fluids. They are the one thing, if not available or injested,that means a quick and certain death to any living creature.


We are all rooting for you and your Grey!! :-)

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Poor Bobby is a sick little fella right now and my heart goes out to you and him for I know you are very worried as I would be but he will make it thru this hurdle, just have faith that he will pull thru and be home with his flock very soon. Please keep us updated Carol and I will keep you and Bobby in my thoughts and prayers for a speed recovery.


No arguments here Carol, I don't think Falconeer had read all the posts in this thread for if he had he would know that Harrison's pellets were not to blame for Bobby's or Alex's troubles.

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