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hi all im a newbie


im am getting a new grey hopefully in july, but there are few things i need to be sure about first.


i have read the posts on mirrors and they all say greys love mirrors, well i was wondering, what about mirrors in my home and not in the cage. I have 2 very large mirrors one over an ornimental fire place which is 39"x27" and is in my lounge, the other on the wall (in what used to be my dinning room) which will provide the back to my greys cage, this one is 50"x39" very large. :S these two room join onto each other with large french doors plenty of room for my grey to fly around in.


do you think these mirrors will be a danger to my grey


many thanks di :)

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Yes, they will be a danger in the sense that if flighted, he could try to fly right through them and either cripple or kill himself depending on the speed when hitting the mirror.


Some Greys may find small toy type mirrors amusing, other will not.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/05/02 14:00

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hi danmcq


thanks for your reply it's very much appriciated. i'll will remove my mirrors before i have my grey perhaps putting one im my hallway where i can take him to see his reflection occasionally :)

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di mirrors always pose a threat for our greys,personally i would remove the larger one,having it as a backdrop to your greys cage would have potential risks.The one over the fireplace if it was me i would leave, when you bring your grey home,show her from the start that the mirror is there, she may well be inclined to ignore it,if you have a playstand in place she will have a landing platform & hopefully wont land on the mirror.Just my personal view, i have 4 greys who although have their own room do come into the living room but ignore my mirror.

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welcome di and how exciting for you!


my merlin saw a mirror but it broke my heart because he kept going behind it to find that new friend who was on the other side.


i had a full length mirror propped up against the wall so i could watch merlin from my desk when he first came home out of rescue. he was not all that comfortable at first with my facing him or when i turned around so i used the mirror until he was used to sharing the room with me.


but now i have no need of it and i am glad to put it away so he will not see it.


but yes it is true some birdies really like mirrors, it just hurt my feelings to see merly looking for a pal that did not exist.


tell us more about you and your birdy-to-be!

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One day, I had a grey on my arm and I went into the bathroom by the sink.The mirror was right there. He saw himself in the mirror, fluffed up and tried to bite the reflection in the mirror. When he didn't succeed, he bit me. I don't know if he felt that it was a rival for my attention or whether he just didn't like the idea of seeing the bird who was staring at him. He fluffed up ready to fight and the bird in the mirror fluffed up ready to fight. I never tried to figure it out. I just don't bring him in front of mirrors.

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Lyric loves to look in mirrors and I tell him to give himself a kiss and he does. It's very cute.

If you don't want to get rid of the mirrors you can try putting some decals or stickers on them temporarily so the bird can tell there is something there. Also, take him up to it several times and let him touch it to feel that there is something solid there. I did the same thing with the windows in my house when Lyric was little- letting him know that it is solid and he can't fly through it. They can still have an occasional accident though and very well could hurt themselves- it's up to you what you want to do. I bet you are excited about getting a bird very soon!

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ahhh thanx guys


you've all been so very welcoming and helpfull, i read your post sandra902,in the mirrors section about merlin lol poor bird,


i will find other rooms in the house for the mirrors no probs.


i can't wait to have my grey, im going on holiday at the begining of july so will be getting one when i get back, just can't seem to get excited over the hol tho :) would sooner stay and have my bird earlier lmao .


i will put pics on when i have him and tell you all whats he's upto


x di x

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I have a large mirror in our formal entry way, and Juji hasn't flown into it yet. I think it's the position of it. It's kind of in a corner and there is a door way just to the right of it, so maybe she just knows to go through the doorway instead.


So far, Juji isn't that interested in mirrors, but I haven't put any in her cage yet.

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