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To clip, or not to clip.... that is the question


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Hi all!


I'm in a quandry of sorts and thought i'd come see what you guys think...


Myself and husband are going away for a long weekend break at the end of May... not anything really to do with question but is the reason why I started to think about it...

It got me thinking about the saftey of Biggles while we're away. He will be going to stay with my parents, whom he gets on well with and they adore him.

My problem is that I can't seem to stop worrying about what if he gets out while he's there, or flies into something because he's not used to their house etc etc. So, I started to wonder whether to get him clipped, for peace of mind really, due to the fact I would NEVER forgive myself if something happened while I was away.

He has just started his first molt which would mean that if I clipped him now, it wouldn't be too long before he got his flight feathers back, or am I wrong in thinking that???

What do you think I should do? I am feeling so incredibly guilty about thinking about clipping him as I don't want to upset him in anyway :dry:




Amy x

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A clip well grow back and if it makes you feel better about it then yes clip him.

Or you could go over there a few times before you go with him and see how he navigates in their home.

I would not feel guilty. Some birds have to be clipped to be safe in our homes. I know it is nice to let them fly but since they are our pets and not wild it is up to us to do what is best for them to live in safety.

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Thanks Tari :)

I love to see him fly although I think he prefers to climb on things, and wouldn't even contemplate having him clipped if he had just completed his molt, but thought if we were to do it, now would be a good time as it wouldn't be too long before his flight feathers grew back. He's still only a baby, not one till July, and although we are trying to harness train him, he isn't quite there yet.

I have booked an appointment with the vet for tomorrow to go and have a chat about it to see what they recommend, as I know my vet will not clip birds unless they think there's a good reason to. I did speak to her on the phone today and she completely understood my concerns but I thought it would be a good idea to get some points of view from everyone here too.


Amy x

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My opinion is that if your bird isn't clipped, you shouldn't clip a bird simply because you're going away for a weekend. Your trip is 2 days. The bird's trip back to flightdom is about 8 to 12 mts. Think about the long term effects on your bird. Anyway, your bird is being sitted by your parents. He shouldn't be let out of the cage while he's there. Bird sitters don't let birds out of their cages. If your bird was a biter, would you tell people to let him out of the cage while birdsitting him?

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You make me feel so selfish by putting it that way :(

Thanks for the input Dave, much appreciated. You are right, although it is actually a 4 day trip not 2, but thats by the by.

As strange as it sounds, the thought of not letting him out of his cage hadn't even crossed my mind as he is out so much. as I said before, my parents adore him and I just presumed that they would have him out like he is at home. I could tell them not to let him out at all, but would that not stress him out too? What happens if he gets out when they are feeding him/ cleaning him out?

I'm not like the thoughts of getting him clipped at all, hence why i'm feeling guilty enough just about thinking about it! Just thought i'd ask opinions though, so thanks again for your input, I do agree with you.

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""""""You make me feel so selfish by putting it that way """"""


Listen, I'm not trying to make you feel selfish. I'm just being realistic. Obviously, you like your bird flighted cause he travels around your house with ease. He knows the house and is happy about that. You're happy about That. Your wife is happy about that. You're talking about stressing him out. Well, this is what'll happen..he'll simply be pissed off that he's in his cage for your weekend. If having a unclipped bird has been totally successful for you and wife and kids ( if you have any) why would you wanna change that? I'll repeat..it takes a long time for clipped wings to grow back. First, the clipped wings have to grow out before new ones can grow back. They don't fall out the way other feathers do when a bird is molting. When they DO fall out, it's usually 1 or 2 here and 1 or 2 there with no particular time element involved. Most likely those feathers will fall out unevenly. 1 or 2 on one side of the body, none on the other side and visa versa. They fall out irregularly the way tail feathers fall out.


"""What happens if he gets out when they are feeding him/ cleaning him out? """"


A cage can go for quite a while before having to be cleaned out. 4 days is no big deal. As far as feeding, I don't know if your cage has swing out doors but if it does, the bird can't get out.


A tip for your parents. Tell them to find a place in the house that has 4 walls and a door. That way, the can come out but not zoom around irraticaly. It's only 4 days. Take my word for it..he'll survive and will be doubly grateful when you come to pick him up. Then you can let him fly around in your house and when he finally lands on your hand or arm, you can have a long chat with him and tell him all about the great things you did on your weekend away and ask his opinion about the things you say. When both of you are finished, be happy that he'll still be able to comfortably fly away to another familar area in your home. Leave the wings alone.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/04/30 23:42

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:) Thanks Dave,


I think maybe you've just answered the question for me, and although I shall still go to the vets tomorrow, as a lil check up while i'm there won't do any harm, I think I shall leave his wings. I am just going to have to lay down some ground rules with the parents ha ha :lol:


I would much prefer him to be slightly miffed at being kept in his cage than totally devestated by having his flight removed.


I knew i'd make my mind up one way or the other by coming on here and you've made me do that Dave so cheers :-)


Amy x

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My pleasure and by the way, almost all people who have their birds sitted usually lay down ground rules be it with relatives or friends. I'm sure your parents will understand. They love the bird and will love you more for being concerned about your bird while it's there.

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If it makes you feel any better I went away for a week last year. Liath stayed at home with hubby and kids under strict instructions not to let her out because she is mean to all of them. They chatted to her and gave her the odd grape and she was fine. Loved me to death when I came home!


I thought that was better than them having to towel her to get her back into the cage.

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Am so relieved now to know that my worrying is really nothing to worry about :pinch: lol


It's amazing how much of a huge part of the family they become in such a short time :)


Thank you all for your wise words (as always!) and for putting my mind at ease.


Amy x

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It sounds like clipping could be as hot a topic as whether or not to declaw a cat (biggest difference of course being that declawing is permanent whereas clipped feathers will grow back). Under the circumstances I probably wouldn't clip the wings, but you know your bird best :)

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For the sake of a few days I wouldnt get your grey clipped, like Dave said, He will be fed up for a few days but will get over it. Enjoy your holiday and keep your grey flighted if thats what you are happy with and suits you, only think of clipping if that is what you want long term. Good look.:)

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Think I may have started a subject here that gets strong opinions, but hey, debate is always good!


It certainly wouldn't have been a long term thing as I love to see Biggles flapping about so with that in mind I will keep him unclipped for now. Obviously, if situation changes then maybe I would have to rethink the subject.


Again, thanks everyone for your input, there is definately some interesting points being made that gets the grey matter (excuse the pun) working.


Out of interest, how many people here have got their lovelies clipped and what reasons are they clipped???


Amy x

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Leaving your Grey flighted is the best path to follow, in my opinion. If that has been working well for you. Dave and others have given great reasons and options for doing so.


Clipping a previously flighted effects, some more so than others. It depends entirely upon that particular birds personality.

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I don't feel strongly about it. I just know it does not hurt then at all.:cheer:

But if I had no dogs, no cats, a maid, :P and a larger house I would leave mine all flighted. {Communicate-0002011B}<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2008/05/01 18:29

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Hi all!


Just returned from my vet appointment, wings intact :)


The vet said that she had never seen such a friendly grey that doesn't seem to be bothered by anything so clipping wouldn't really be needed, which is what i'd already decided.

So after a clean bill of health and lots of compliments and women cooing over Biggles, we are home and happy :)


Thanks again peeps, your input certainly means alot to me.


Amy x

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