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Feather Casings and eggs


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Gizmo is molting right now and is very itchy, all the feathers are growing in their casings.

I was wondering when we pet our birds and scratch over top of the casings, would this hurt/irritate them at all. I'm thinking it would if the casing was to be forced down onto their skin, but otherwise it is fine. It doesn't seem to bother him or my last bird usually, but it seems like it would!


Also, I heard that hard boiled eggs were good for birds when they are molting (in moderation of course), any opinions on this?


Just a couple of random questions that were in my head ;) lol

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Bert if you scratch over them and they hurt your bird you will know it for you will get bit:laugh: but seriously you do not need to worry about them, they will take care of themselves. Maybe a good misting with aloe vera juice would make Gizmo feel better as it is soothing for their skin.


I haven't heard anything about eggs being good for them when molting but maybe some of the other members will know more about that.:P

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Nikko doesn't seem bothered when I pet over her pins. What does annoy her though is when I pick at them. It's a sick compulsion I have. When I see a pin on her head/neck that's ready to open (no blood visible), I start messing with it to open it up. Sometimes she tolerates it, and other times she gets mad at me. She says I should join a 12 step program.


It's true that egg is a good food during molting because they need the extra protein. Beans are also good.

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Perhaps you should talk to your vet first, but my vet suggested...well actually prescribed Red Palm Oil. It helps with dry itchy skin...I would imagine it would help with molting too. I've been using it on Harrison and she's really looking great...I don't see her having any itching problems or anything like that...since being on the RPO, her wings have grown back beautifully...the first vet we went to butchered her wings when they clipped them. It took 2 years for them to grow back...she's only been on the RPO for about 8-10 months.

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Spooky I too pick at the pin feathers but not on Josey, just Sunny, my sun conure, she does seem to enjoy it as she will close her eyes and turn her head so I can get to them. But occasionally I hit one that she reacts to and then she nips me but otherwise its go ahead and mess with them.


I too use the red palm oil and I think that is why her feathers look so well.

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I take him out to play with him and his head goes down and he waits very patiently, then clicks, nudges me and puts his head down for me to pet him, he doesn't want to play, only be pet lol. It's cute, but just bathing him isn't doing enough.

I read about the aloe juice but not the red palm oil...I'm heading to the mall tonight, so I'll grab some of both. He isn't a biter, but HATES spray bottles which then he bites so we'll see how it goes lol.


When I pet him, it doesn't seem to bother him, but the casings just seem like they would feel so uncomfortable!

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