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Bringing Parrot Number 2 Home


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Hey people, very excited, brought home our second baby grey today. Had the other one for about a year and we love him very much but couldnt resist this new baby!


he is amazing, so so tame and loves cuddles already. Need to teach step up etc still.


Wanted to know whats the best thing to do, we want to make sure the new baby doesnt become too attached with navi my other grey but i also want them to be friends. Have you any advice on how long i should wait before letting them meet. Or any info on this subject.


Many thank!



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Congrats on bringing home your second grey baby, I know you are tickled to death with him.


Ria you should quarantine the new baby away from Navi for at least 6 weeks, this is just standard procedure when introducing a new member of the flock.


They both will need separate cages and it is highly likely that they won't get along with one another but tolerate each other. You may never be able to put them together in the same cage but you should be able to have them in the same room without any problem, you will just have to wait and see.


We do have some threads that deal with this sort of thing, just do a search to find them and read thru for lots of ideas and suggestions.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and your greys.

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both doing well, baby loves being with you! Havent introduced them yet, think im going to leave it till I have the vet check out the baby to get the all clear.


Navi keeps looking through the glass door to see the baby though! Quite funny!


Hope they do get on!

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We bought our 2nd grey a month ago and introduced her to our other grey who is 1 year old. We didn't do the keep them away from each other for a certain period of time.


They have separate cages and feeding bowls though. On the very first day she was out of her cage meeting him. We just make sure we do everything for him first and supervise them. Every day we let them both out together and we have done this for the past month. The are both flighted so if they don't want to be near each other one of them flies away. Now after a month they get along great and have just started to nuzzle with each other and become friends. It is the most amazing thing seeing both of them flying together.


We are now working on getting them into the same cage...progress is great, she flies to his cage and plays a bit up the top, he climbed into her cage for a look around as well.

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That’s brilliant news Jane!


I must admit I couldn’t resist keeping them apart. They both sat on their cages in the same room and seemed very happy. I thought Navi might have got all fluffed up but didn’t, they quite happily sat as near as they could to each other and preened themselves quite happily!


Fingers crossed it stays this way!

Navi was a bit confused to see the baby flying though, still not sure as to whether to get it clipped, navi has been but still doesn’t realise and he is constantly sky diving off his cage to get to us if we leave the room! Praying he doesn’t hurt himself! So this is why i'm dubious to clip the baby!


Still have no name for the baby. So at the moment it’s called the baby or 'it' lol

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