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Weird yet funny noise


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Hi, my congo is 10 months old and has started to string words together, but recently she has been making a noise as if water is trickling. Its really weird n not a clue where shes got it from....my friend has a congo n the same thing happened to him. Is it a normal noise for the grey in the wild

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Hi, I agree with Tracy, my grey is the same age as yours and makes some really weird sounds which I have no idea where they came from. He has only started saying a few words at the moment, and can maybe put two words together. He babbles on and whistles all day long! Cant say I have heard a water trickling sound though. Maybe that is yet to come.:)

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lol same with corkey, and her noise is water related too...sounds like a massive DROP of water splashing into more water....hard to explain but its that sort of PLOP! sound. no idea where it came from. she also makes some embarrassing flatulence and burping sounds...obviously picked that up from her last owner not me lol :ohmy: funny though :)

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You are right god knows where they get some of the noises from. Ours started to make a noise like a donkey (EEEEE O, EEEEE O) and I used to call him my little donkey...now we sure don't have a donkey as a pet so no idea where he got that from. He finally stopped it because everytime he did that noise I repeated a word to him that I thought he might be trying to say. He now uses the word instead of the donkey noise

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haha, crazy! saying that tho, i do leave the tv on so shes pickin up sounds all the time. Infact, shes got the scooby doo (oh, oh) noise down to a T!LOL. we leave her the cartoon channel on wenever we go out<br><br>Post edited by: dan_erobbo, at: 2008/04/26 18:58

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Well dan_erobbo - You must have water in your home. Perhaps your Grey hears you run the kitchen facet, make coffee, pour a drink etc.


The other possibility, is perhaps you leave the bathroom door open when you take a tinkle or maybe your Grey is even on your shoulder when doing so. ;-)


Just a few possibilities I thought I would throw out there. :-)

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