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Parrot problems!

Guest lainie

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Guest lainie

Hi. I keep parrots (Amazons and greys)and we have always used covers. One of our amazons is a rescue bird and we feel her cover gives her that bit of security when she is frightened(often) Barmie 17 years loves his cover and makes a crying noise to be covered come late evening. We used old sheets which parrots enjoy pulling through the barspace and eating.They look abit of a mess and lets face it they don't fit quite right! Some years ago I tried to buy a cover.It looked like an oversized sack and the fabric was ... dull let's say!! 2 years ago I set up a small business creating completely fitted covers in fashionable heavyweight fabrics. We create for any size or shape cage.Even the biggest cages.Easy access via full side fastening.Name logo and parrot images available.Machine washable.They look good and will keep your treasured bird really snug! Creating a darkened cagespace will stop those early morning screechings!Help a sick or troubled bird.Keep your bird warm and draught free.Stop unruly shouting or to calm down a nervous bird. One of our birds likes screaming abit too much.His cover stops him straight away. Parrots enjoy quiet time too and a cover will aid this. The main reason for using a cover is to create a natural sleeping enviroment.Darkness and a feeling of security will enhance your birds rest time. I have a wesite www.covermecozee.co.uk(To be updated shortly) or if you email your cage measurements we will return you a no obligation quote for a cover. We are happy to help with any parrot problems if we can.Over 17 years we have gained a little knowledge of the parrot world! Breeding is another matter and any hints/advice on breeding greys would be appreciated. It's just not happening with my pair! Thankyou Lainie Lainie.b@fsmail.net

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Hi lainie,


A friend of mine has a parrot that started screaming every time he tried to cover it at the evening. The problem is that he makes quite a lot of noise, and the neighbours are starting to get tired of him and his parrot.


Any idea what can be done?

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Guest lainie

If you have never used a full cover before introduce it slowly.Half cover the cage and leave the bird to get familiar with the cover being there.Don,t just throw the whole cover over your bird and expect him not to be shocked.This especially applies to resue birds or birds caught by horrible methods in the wild such as 'Netting'(Huge dense nets are used in their capture)Our rescue bird was terrified the first time we covered her.Now some three years on she loves her cover.It is her security blanket!For a tame naughty bird who refuses to stop screaming(We have one of those too!) You need to create a dark cagespace.Black fabric.We supply alot of black heavyweight cagecovers to customers with screaming & unruly birds.This should do the trick.Make sure no light can get through.A completely darkened cagespace should make a difference.Make sure you are not covering the bird too early.Parrots are most receptive during earlier evening and maybe he's not ready for bed! When our 'loud' parrot won't stop screaming.His fitted cover goes on and he stops.Him not being able to see us or what he's screaming at stops him. Good luck.Hope things improve.lainie

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Thanks for the advices lainie, I'll let my friend know your suggestions and send him to your site.

Speaking of which, how much such a cover can cost?

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