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I got a new Timneh!! What should I do now???


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Ok, so I never thought this would ever happen, but I adopted a Timneh!!! I came across an ad of a person who needed to re-home their bird. I had played with the idea of getting another bird before, but wasn't in any rush. Well, once I read the ad I couldn't resist myself. He is 2 years old and is going through his teenage rebellion. He was hand raised but now hardly lets you touch him. I know with love and patience he will come around again. Anyhow, the previous owner seemed very knowledgable and gave me some great tips. She also said I really didn't need to quaranteen because she is not a breeder and the birds should be fine. She sold him to me with cage and all accessories. Well, Bently and Beeper were barking at one another! It was so cute! They reminded me of kids sleeping over because even though all lights were out, they kept chirping away, just like kids! Anyhow, today, I decided to let them both out of the cages. Bently usually spends half the day out of his cage and gets back in when he is tired.All was well until Beeper decided to fly over and visit Bently. At first, Bently didn't mind, but then Beeper wanted to scratch Bentlys head or clean his feathers and Bently freaked! They started pecking at one another and screaming. I was right there and would tell them firmly to stop it! They actually listened! They went to opposite sides of the perch, but eventually Beeper was over by Bently and it would happen all over again. I don't know if Beeper wanted to mate or if he was just being friendly. They were both "dancing" for one another.


So my question is, can Bently hurt Beeper? I know they are virtually the same kind of bird, but since Bently is a CAG, he is much bigger. Is it best to never let them socialize like that? I can take turns and let them out one at a time, but I have often seen other people show pics of their birds out and they never visit or if they do, they are ok. Is what they were doing normal behavior? was I over-reacting?


Please let me know what you think! The last thing I want to do is let them hurt one another.(sorry so long!:P )

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