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So far so good...


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I posted in the welcome room a few days ago; we are learning more and more every day. :)


Went to the bird fair and got a nice big cage for only $75. He wasn't scared of it at all, nor of the big perch with blocks and rings and such all over it. Unfortunately, he also isn't really interested in the toy at all. We're rapidly discovering how active he is and I have come to the realization that I'm going to have to get him some more toys ASAP if I want to keep my eardrums, clothing, and furniture intact. He's poked a few holes in some shirts, a chair and completely destroyed a cat toy he found.


He loves apples, almonds, grapes, peanuts, and carrots. I give him the bowl o veggies and he sorts what he wants and tosses the stuff he doesn't on to the floor. It's funny, I didn't think such a large bird would even notice millet but he got into my finches' stash and was sooo pleased with himself. I let him have a bit. I am mainly giving him zupreem pellets mixed with a tiny bit of seed and some veggies in the afternoons. I cook eggs for my finches on occasion and he really liked that, too.


He doesn't mind strangers so far. He's met my parents, brother, grandmother, aunt, cousin... steps right up and sits politely.


He has noises ranging from a microwave to a low smoke alarm battery to a few words (I've heard hi, hello, and something complex that isn't quite defined yet). Last night my husband laughed and he took off laughing too. He also has an ear-splitting whistle that it takes every fiber of willpower to ignore.


I don't know if I should cover his cage at night. I don't bother with my other birds; they are fairly good about staying quiet until they hear us up and about. He does start in around 9 with the random noises.


I tried to start some clicker training but he was too fascinated by the click sound to take the treat. I guess the clicker is its own treat for the moment. I read somewhere that a quarter of a peanut was a good training reward, but he doesn't take peanuts that are already shelled. What do you guys use for this, if any of you do clicker train? I'm familiar with the process, I've used it with goats and to some extent with my tiel.


I also need to buy him some kind of sand perch. What kind do you guys recommend? His nails are getting *sharp*. We are going to the vet next thursday to get a general checkup, find out if he's a she, and see if they can fix the butcher job someone did on his flight feathers... at least make them shorter and more even... He let me pull a wing out and look at it, it looks like someone cut 7 or 8 flight feathers. That's way too many, considering I only have to cut 4 on my tiel to let him glide. Plus they cut them past the coverts, which means they are easily visible and probably very annoying. I'd fix them myself but at this point I don't want to do anything to shake up our relationship.


Speaking of which, he is sooo cuddly. I spent like 20 minutes scratching his head while he snuggled my neck today. This bird is awesome.


Anyway that's where we are so far. He is so much fun and I can tell we have a lot to learn about each other still... :cheer:

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Many greys are cautious of new toys,others dont mind at all,here is a link for introducing toys it's from the nursery but it will apply to you..





Thats great that he is readily accepting all humans that come to the house.sounds as if he has a great array of vocal noises :laugh:

As for covering the cage,that's a personal choice,if his cage is in the middle of activity & noise he will need to get his sleep at night.

As for treats for clicker training you could try pine nuts or sunflower seeds,remove the sunflower seeds from his seed mix & use them as a reward ;)

Diet sounds good,we have loads of useful topics in the bird food room which are worth a read.

There is a whole range of perches available, the sandy perch & cement perch are good ones for keeping the nails down.Be sure to offer a good mix of perches :)

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