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Guest Skuffy

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Guest Skuffy

To Sleep.......O Soft embalmer of the still midnight,

Shutting, with careful

fingers and benign,

Our gloom-pleas'd eyes,

embower'd from the light,

Enshaded in forgetfulness divine:

O soothest Sleep! if so it please thee, close

In midst of this thine hymn my willing eyes,

Or wait the "Amen," ere thy poppy throws

Around my bed its lulling charities.

Then save me, or the passed day will shine

Upon my pillow, breeding many woes,–

Save me from curious Conscience,

that still lords

Its strength for darkness,

burrowing like a mole;

Turn the key deftly

in the oiled wards,

And seal the hushed

Casket of my Soul.

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Guest Skuffy

Max has turned realy nasty towards my Mrs...to the point he lunges at her if she goes near him...B4 it was play,,,since she cryed near him,he now hates her....I need him to stop it..

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Guest Skuffy

I was crying other day when he was sat on my hand,,I was thinking and just cryed,,Max sunk his Beak into back my hand....OUCH!!!! Drew blood,,,then he kissed me..

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Mark he is probably reacting to the tension and stress in your house right now and that is understandable, everyone is upset and a lot of emotions are going on with the recent event in your family's life. I think in time when you and your family settle down and get back to a more normal routine he will be back to more like himself. I know this is frustrating but give him time just like it will take time for you to heal from your loss. Hang in there Mark.

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Guest Skuffy

I am "OK", the dominate 1 over Max..How can i stop him going for Julie...I mean,,she can just come here to me,,he will climb down to get her,,when hes close nuf he will lunge at her, and you can see the "When i get you " in his face..I voice at him NO!!!..He just puffs up...lol

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I think the best thin right now would to not have Max by your wife. I think the others are right he is reacting to the stress and the loss. In time he may get over it. However he could be looking at you as his partner and he knows your in pain so hes protecting you. Just a tought. Im very sorry for your loss and you are in my prayers.

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I agree Mark I think he is reacting to everyone's feelings. He may think that somehow your wife has hurt you and is acting out towards her. In time it will get better. Our Quaker did this when she bonded to my husband, she would lunge at me, and occasionally still will. Than she laughs at me lol. But that was hubbies fault, when we first got her she was very abused, she bonded to him and he thought it was funny how she would charge my bare feet on the ground, I would go to get her and she would put her beak all the way down to the ground and I couldn't get under her to make her step up with out having a chunk taken out of my hand every time, needless to say I gave up with her. Now 9 years later she has mellowed out especially with the addition of other birds in our home. Whatever you do, don't over react to him doing it, and def don't laugh at him for doing it, this will just encourage him. Tell him the firm NO that you have been giving him and give him some time for things to somewhat become normal again. It's a rough time for everyone, and they pick up soo easily on feelings, and of course it is not a easy time to hide feelings, so it will just have to wait for time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Skuffy

Quick Update on Max and Julie.....He's stopped Lunging at her,but he still puff's up when she comes near him...If he could get to bite her am sure he still would..I get him on my hand and sit nxt to her,but i can feel he's not happy with the sittuation...Its funny and its not,because i can see Julie really doesn't like the way he is to her..I'll sort him,,{Nature-00020095}


He thinks...Churppppppppppp---Churppp

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