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Beaker is learning to fly.....


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Hi everyone.... I did an intro thread here some time back and then lost track of the website address. Today I found it mixed in with some other bookmarks. :blush:


So here I am, back again, with so much time in between that probably nobody remembers. *sigh*


Anyway, here is my TAG, Beaker..... He has been flighted for about 6 months, but is still a very clumsy flyer. (and an even worse land-er) He just wants to get close to me. So here he is, doing his best to get to me, his human-landing-strip.



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Nice pic! A bit more practice and Beaker will be very agile. Some pick it up better than others if not fully fledged as babies. The fact that Beaker is flying on his own is a good sign he is determined! As others have said, practice makes perfect. Encourage Beaker, give lots of praise etc to positively re-inforce his practice flights!! Keep us posted on the progress. B)

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I love that picture Crazybird and he will get more proficent in his flying with a little time, practice makes perfect they say, thanks for sharing that with us and don't lose the website again, put it in your favorites, we want to hear more from you.:P B)

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