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This Made Me Laugh - So True


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Some folks may think that I am cute,

But really, I am quite astute.

I wait until the night is quiet

Before I squawk and start to riot.


I spread my wings and fly quite high

Pretend the ceiling is my sky

I swoop and skim, a wonderous scene..

Oops there goes another figurine.


I watch with awe and humour too

As things get stuck with superglue

Can I help? I ask myself, as statue

Is replaced on shelf.


Nooo! yells mum but not in rage

As she swiftly puts me back in cage.

She say's I'm naughty as I tip my water,

I want to be good, I know I oughtta


I know I'm clumsy, that is true

No bad intentions, I assure you

So in my cage I start to play

Tomorrow is another day!


Next morning comes, once more I fly

To that ceiling way up high.

Now if I fly closer to the wall,

Those parrot plates, now would they fall?


No chance there to persevere

Instead, land on the chandelier.

I see moms face, it wears a frown

As upon it I swing upside down.


To and fro, oh this is smashing!

Till down it comes adroitly crashing

Once more I hang my head in shame

As mom brings to an end, my game.


So from my cage, I'll plan a way

To enter mom's glass wall display.

There are such pretty figurines

No better have I ever seen.


One day, I whisper to myself

I'll leave nothing on the shelf.

For who needs a gym top, perch or stand?

When on that cabinet I'll land.


But now it's time for me to feed

Upon my banquet….yummy seed.

I eat my fruit as mom gets weepy

And as for me? I just get sleepy.


Mum says I am a naughty girl,

Then in another breath, a pearl!

I nod off and in dreams play

And leave things for another day.




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