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Different bird


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Last Saturday we took our bird Vaskur to a petshop where this man works that I trust completely. He cut his flight feathers, preened his beak and his nails. Vaskur got really angry with the guy and after he had finished he was really red in the face, almost violet. Then we went straight home and now its Tuesday and it still feels like I got a different bird home with me. That doesnt speak and isnt all exided to get out of his cage every morning and most of the time doesnt care if I leave the room. He used to be such a happy bird, talking non stop and whistling, starting when my alarm clock rang in the morning and stopping to go to sleep. Now he just seems depressed.

This is really worrying me.

Does anyone have advise for me?

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It's sounds your Vaskur had a little shock and distress he will need to get over.


Just be perky and happy around him and act as if nothing happened and all is great on the home front. He is intelligent and well pick up on that feeling from you that all is well and lets have fun and love each other. :-)

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I agree with Dan,he is probably feeling distressed right now.Has he been clipped before ? has he had bad experiences with his wing clipping ? Was this the first time ? Has he seen this guy before ? He needs time to get over what appears to be a bit of an ordeal for him.

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He was wing clipped when I got him around one years old, its been three months. He has seen this guy before when I took him to him, because he had a broken feather witch he pulled out. He clearly recognised him and didnt like what he saw.


Now I feel really bad because I am going to Morocco for 4 days and he is staying with my friend. Ohhhh I cant leave, what to do?

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I think Vaskur will be ok, he probably is in a bad mood at the moment because he saw the same man who did a bad thing to him before but if you give him a little time he will get over it.


Don't cancel your plans, you cannot live your life around the moods of your grey, he will be fine while you are gone especially if he is used to your friend who is keeping him while you go on vacation. Go enjoy yourself and see what he is like when you get back, it may surprise you and be more like his old self and happy to see you.

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Thank you so much, its so true, he will probably have a lot of fun, my friend is at least really exited.


Ps I just started to play Katie Meluah and Vaskur started talking :laugh: He really likes her music.... seems he is getting over his anger.

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