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Help with my Grey's new cage


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My wife and I have had our Grey for about two years. Recently (two months)we moved and acquired a new cage. Ever since the move Darwin has not been his normal self. He has gotten very aggressive. We try to play with him as much as we can, but he has definitely put up boundries that didn'y used to be there. Secondly, we purchased a new cage that is much nicer than his old cage. Darwin wants nothing to do with it at all. For one week, we put the new cage about three feet from his current cage and tried w/o any luck to get him on it. Now the cage rests directly next to his old one. He will not freely walk on to the new cage. Once a day we do make him get on the new cage. Does anyone out there have any advise to give my wife and I would really appreciate it.




Ryan and Erica<br><br>Post edited by: BluDvl, at: 2008/04/22 06:32

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The move may well be effecting Darwin as well as the new cage.moving home can be just as stressful for your bird as it is for you.He has a brand new environment to contend with plus the addition of a new cage.



Birds are very much creatures of habit and routine. A new cage is a brake in his safe routine. Most birds will see a new cage as being a scary new object

So let your feathered friend adjust to this scary object in his own time.


Place some of his favorite things in the new cage. If the cage has a play top attach toys and put some of his favorite food in the new dishes. Even if he won’t approach the new cage having his favorite things within sight and easy reach will keep him interested and his natural curiosity will draw him to try out this new place in time.


Some birds will adjust in a day. Others will take longer.


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Like Tracy stated, that is a huge change for your Grey to become accustomed to. It sounds like you have been doing all the right things to try and ease him into the new home and cage.


Just keep doing as you are with patience, as you already have and he will come around sooner or later. It seems like some can take change more easily than others based on their different personalities, just like people.


Looking forward to hearing more from you as this progresses. :-)

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Thanks for the responses we appreciate your time. As far as Darwin goes, nothing new yet. We will continue doing what we're doing and hope he begins to take to the cage. For what it's worth our other bird, Harry (green cheek conure), loves the new cage.


Ryan and Erica

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I just got my Grey a new huge cage and it only took 1 1/2 days to get her to accept it and she a rescue with trust issues. first thing I did was have it compleatly empty thae every hour or so I would add somthing good to the cage first I put fresh Papers in the cage. then about an hour later I took 1 of her toy out of her cage and putit in the new cage 1/2 hour later i put food in the dishes, 1 hour later I make a new toy from old toys that she has destroyed while I'm makeing this toy I;m saying to her oh look Tyco mqmmy's making you a nice new Toy this is a toy that she is not afraid of because I'm making it from thing she wrecked when its finished she was so excited and wanted that toy really badly but instead of giving it to her I put it in the new cage. I left the room for a few minutes and when I got back Tyco was on the door of the new cage. trying to reach that toy. The next morning I made scrambled eggs Tycos absolute favorite food I gave her a tiny peice just to get her appitite going really good and she's hungry anyway because its first thing in the morning so she got a tiny peice and I put the rest in the new cage making sure she knows exactly where her eggs are she got really choked at me and went into her cage and sulked for about 10 minutes I left the room and five minates later I came back to find Tyco eating her scambled eggs in the new cage I figured if I could get her to eat in there My job is done I then slowly about 1 item an hour moved every thing from her old cage to her new cage by 8pm that night she was no longer sittin on her old cage she shut the door to her old cage and was sitting on top of the new one I steped her up and put her into the new cage she went in without a fuss I covered her up and she slept in her new cage without a problem. The next morning after she had breakfast I took her old cage away and she has been in her new cage evewr since Pat

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You may need to move where the cage is. Example I can not but Que's cage in front of a window. She cry's and begs every time she sees me if her cage is in front of a window.

Is she near something she was not when you had her in the old house? Like a painting or couch?

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  • 1 month later...

I am also having a problem getting my Nicholas into his new cage, I have had the new cage next to his old one for about 2 weeks, he will occasionally sit on the door but will not go in, I keep adding toys to it but I still have not put food in there, I think that will be my next step...

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